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Cooking with Courgettes?


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  • Cooking with Courgettes?

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know a nice recipe or something I can do with my courgettes, they are slowing coming through but they will all be ready at different times. I have seen that you can eat the flower? Has anyone else tried it?

    I hate slugs!!

  • #2
    Don't know about the flowers.

    But given the hot weather, I'd suggest courgette burgers on a BBQ. Did these last weekend and they went down a storm.

    500g Beef Mince
    1 large Courgette grated
    1 Egg
    1/2 Red Onion finely diced
    Salt & Pepper to taste

    Mix the ingredients together and form 4 or 5 patties. Grill, eat.
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    • #3
      Those courgette burgers sound great! I'll definitely give them a go.

      My favourite version of courgettes is pretty simple - slice them lengthways very thinly - as thinly as you can manage, then simply fry them with olive oil and a bit of black pepper. Taste them every now and then and take them off the heat when they taste right - don't let them get too soft or the best flavour goes. They are usually done when they start to get easier to move around with a wooden spoon and go slightly opaque. Around 5 mins at most on a medium heat.


      • #4
        They go into pretty much everything we eat for the time we have them

        When you have a glut, a bowlful, this is what I cook. OK green but look better with yellow. This is the main reason I grow them yellow

        Happiness Soup Recipe | Food |


        • #5
          Theres always the 'What am I going to do with all those courgettes' book, its on Amazon and Play for about �4 and is rammed full of recipies both savoury and sweet. Just do a search on either site in books for 'courgette' and it pops straight up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by teamladd View Post
            Hi all,

            Does anyone know a nice recipe or something I can do with my courgettes, they are slowing coming through but they will all be ready at different times. I have seen that you can eat the flower? Has anyone else tried it?

            I have had the flowers dipped in batter and fried, they were lovely, also had the courgettes sliced lenghtways and dipped in batter and lightly fried they were even better. I made a courgette souffle once and that was yummy


            • #7
              Courgette recipes

              See Riverford farm for some great recipes -
              Recipes - Riverford Organic Vegetables


              • #8
                Originally posted by shaza114 View Post
                See Riverford farm for some great recipes -
                Recipes - Riverford Organic Vegetables
                What a fantastic site.

                Thank you!



                • #9
                  Thanks all for the replies, I will look into that book!
                  I hate slugs!!


                  • #10
                    we eat the courgettes just sliced and grilled (on Barbie or George Foreman)
                    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                    • #11
                      We have them in salad, everything is diced over the bowl so all juice is in the bowl - onion, courgette and tomato season to taste.


                      • #12
                        Courgette gratin.
                        Slice courgettes, layer in baking dish, pour over cheese sauce and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake in oven until browned on top and the courgettes are soft when poked with a sharp knife. Add onions, leeks etc as desired.


                        • #13
                          I like them sweet and sour.

                          In a pot melt some butter.
                          Chopped onion, sliced courgette and anything else you like.
                          Sweat them for a few minutes until JUST softening,
                          Add about 1/4 pint (125 mls) of chicken stock and simmer 2 or3 minutes until Just cooked.
                          Take off heat and sprinkle with tablespoon of sugar and good splash of vinegar (whatever kind you like)
                          When sugar has melted return to low heat and simmer about 1 minute.

                          Very quick, very easy.
                          Lovely with cold ham or sausages - and children and fussy adolescents will eat.

                          From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                          • #14
                            Pickled...mmmmmmm....making mine tonight!!!


                            Sliced, in pan with olive oil, pepper, parmesan, cream, onions, on crusty cibatta!!
                            Impossible is not a fact its an opinion...
                            Impossible is not a decleration its a dare...
                            Impossible is potential......



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