Like a foolish woman - I planted out 13 courgettes. 
They are now cranking them out at a great rate of knots. I discovered a couple of monsters today and Googled some recipes - going to turn a couple of them into this tomorrow:
Baked Stuffed Marrow
Serves 4 - 6
1 medium-sized marrow
fat for greasing
1 small onion
200 g (7 oz) minced beef
100 g pork sausage meat or 100 g extra minced beef
1/2 cup (30 g) soft white breadcrumbs
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper
1 egg
250 ml cheese sauce
1. Halve the marrow lengthways and scoop out the seeds.
2. Lay each half side by side, in a well greased, large, shallow casserole.
3. Skin and chop the onion finely or grate it. Put into a basin with the beef, sausage-meat, if used, breadcrumbs, parsley, chives, Worcestershire sauce, and seasoning. Mix well.
4. Beat the egg until liquid and use it to bind the mixture.
5. Divide the stuffing between each marrow half. Cover the dish and bake in a moderate oven, 180�C, Gas 4, for 1 hour.
6. Strain off most of the liquid in the casserole.
7. Pour the cheese sauce over the marrow and bake for a further 20 minutes, uncovered, or until the sauce is golden-brown.

They are now cranking them out at a great rate of knots. I discovered a couple of monsters today and Googled some recipes - going to turn a couple of them into this tomorrow:
Baked Stuffed Marrow
Serves 4 - 6
1 medium-sized marrow
fat for greasing
1 small onion
200 g (7 oz) minced beef
100 g pork sausage meat or 100 g extra minced beef
1/2 cup (30 g) soft white breadcrumbs
1 tbsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp chopped chives
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper
1 egg
250 ml cheese sauce
1. Halve the marrow lengthways and scoop out the seeds.
2. Lay each half side by side, in a well greased, large, shallow casserole.
3. Skin and chop the onion finely or grate it. Put into a basin with the beef, sausage-meat, if used, breadcrumbs, parsley, chives, Worcestershire sauce, and seasoning. Mix well.
4. Beat the egg until liquid and use it to bind the mixture.
5. Divide the stuffing between each marrow half. Cover the dish and bake in a moderate oven, 180�C, Gas 4, for 1 hour.
6. Strain off most of the liquid in the casserole.
7. Pour the cheese sauce over the marrow and bake for a further 20 minutes, uncovered, or until the sauce is golden-brown.