I used to make BNS soup all the time but a while back I adapted my recipe to give it a little to give it a slight Thail twist and a little heat. Im guessing this would work with most squash/pumpkins. 
Butternut Squash, Tomato and Coconunt Soup
1 Can of Coconut Milk
Grated ginger to taste
2 Chicken or Veg stock cubes
Sugar to taste
Fresh chilli or chilli flakes
2 medium onions
1 Carton of Passatta or Tin of Tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Chop your BNS into chunks along with your onion, ginger and garlic and saute in a large pan with some olive oil until it begins to soften.
Add tomatoes/passatta and stock cube and simmer until the veg is soft. Add the coconut milk, sugar, salt, pepper a squeeze of lime and chilli.
Take a hand blender and zap until smooth. You may need to add a splash of water if the soup is too thick for your taste.

Butternut Squash, Tomato and Coconunt Soup
1 Can of Coconut Milk
Grated ginger to taste
2 Chicken or Veg stock cubes
Sugar to taste
Fresh chilli or chilli flakes
2 medium onions
1 Carton of Passatta or Tin of Tomatoes
Salt and Pepper
Chop your BNS into chunks along with your onion, ginger and garlic and saute in a large pan with some olive oil until it begins to soften.
Add tomatoes/passatta and stock cube and simmer until the veg is soft. Add the coconut milk, sugar, salt, pepper a squeeze of lime and chilli.
Take a hand blender and zap until smooth. You may need to add a splash of water if the soup is too thick for your taste.