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What can I do with 5,000,000 red peppers?


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  • What can I do with 5,000,000 red peppers?

    One of my jobs today is to clear out and wash down the greenhouses ready for the overwintering 'stuff'. Haven't been in the GH for a few days so imagine my surprise when I found a million red peppers (sweet)! Well maybe a slight exaggeration (sp?) but certainly more than i know what to do with for tonight's tea!

    anyone got any ideas please?

  • #2
    Stir fry
    Stuffed Peppers
    Dehydrated red pepper flakes
    Chicken fajitas (with red pepper)

    That should only leave you with about 4,999,985
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    WikiGardener a subsidiary of Ollietopia Inc.


    • #3
      here i am sitting in the liivingroom all by myself howling with laughter! luckily no one can see in or they'd think i'd gone potty!

      thank you for the ideas - never thought of stuffed peppers and i love them as well! grand idea - that's tonight's tea done...and tomorrows.....yada, yada...

      and the other 4,999,995 please?


      • #4
        Seriously, how many are you talking about?

        They do keep for a while, but any that you don't use or won't use can be chopped and frozen in small batches and added to chillis/curries/pasta sauces as you need them.

        Never ever any need to chuck out peppers.


        • #5
          great idea to chop and freeze - funny the things you dont think of eh?

          right, i'm off to do battle with them! what a great situation to be in - especially in November



          • #6
            I was recomended this site for recipes, Its good for when your brain hurts and you can't think stright, which if your anything like me that most of the time, give it a go there's not just pepper recipes on.

            Recipes. Organic & seasonal recipes - Abel & Cole


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scottishnewbie View Post
              anyone got any ideas please?
              Yes Laura, bring them up to me - I didn't get a single red pepper this year. I'll put the kettle on.
              Last edited by amandaandherveg; 05-11-2009, 11:41 AM.


              • #8
                Can you bottle them in oil, like you see in the shops (Zazen or Sarz will know the answer to that I'm sure)?


                • #9
                  I freeze ours - de-seed, chop into 8, bung straight in a freezer bag!

                  Could you find recipes for some sort of red pepper relish?

                  I wish I had a million red peppers!!


                  • #10
                    aye but all my tomatoes got blight so maybe Mother Nature took a wee bit pity on me!

                    i cant believe how long they sit on the plant green -- i was thinking they were never going to do anything and i'd end up bunging them all on the compost heap.

                    Many thanks for such brilliant ideas


                    • #11
                      you do realise you can use them green too don't you?
                      Happy Gardening,


                      • #12
                        make a simple pepper sauce! Add chillis if you want!

                        follow this link is just one recipe I found.

                        Recipe 1352 --- Acquasale (Sweet Pepper Sauce): Main Dish Ethnic Pasta Appetizers Sauces Italian Italy European Mediterranean
                        Live like you never lived before!

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                        • #13
                          Pickle them, like the infamous Peppadew. Or make chili jam, if you have a few chillis to add to make it a bit spicy. I made some green Jalapeno and apple jam, looks like halloween gunk but tastes good with cheese!


                          • #14
                            I love these Easy Curry Cake Recipe served with hummous + salsa or curry. I use any colour peppers... doesn't make much difference.

                            Also a puff pastry veg tart using peppers, tomatoes, red onions, basil + cheese... easy and really nice.


                            • #15
                              chilli wine
                              8-10 ripe (red) chillies
                              � 1 lb golden raisins, chopped or minced
                              � 2 lbs finely granulated sugar
                              � 1 1/2 tsp acid blend
                              � 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme (Pectinase)
                              � Water to one gallon
                              � 1 crushed Campden tablet
                              � 1 tsp yeast nutrient
                              � Pasteur Champagne Yeast

                              Make sure you wear rubber gloves, wash Chilli peppers and cut off stems.

                              Put peppers in blender or food chopper with 1-2 cups water and chop coarsely. Chop or mince raisins.

                              Put raisins in nylon straining bag and, over primary, pour chopped Chilli peppers in with raisins. Tie bag and leave in primary.

                              Add remaining ingredients except for pectinase and yeast.

                              Stir well to dissolve sugar. Cover primary and set aside 12-24 hours.

                              Add pectinase, cover and set aside another 12-24 hours. Add yeast and recover primary. Stir daily for 4-5 days.

                              Wear rubber gloves, squeeze nylon bag.

                              Transfer liquid to secondary and fit airlock. Ferment to absolute dryness (roughly S.P.G 990).

                              Rack into clean secondary and refit airlock. Rack twice more, 30 days apart.

                              Wait final 30 days and rack into bottles.


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