Shush you, he's in the room. 
We are currently making our second loaf at the mo. I'm going to have to stock up considerably on ingredients with this breadmaking lark. I too have been using Doves Farm Organic Flour from the CO-OP.
Nobody warned me about the side effects though did they.?!?!?! (Parp). All that yeasty bread going (Parp) through the system (Parp) Had to work on my own today. (Parp).
I'm currently eyeing up the bread keeper with "useful cutting guide" in the lakeland kitchen catalogue at the mo anybody got any opinion's on it..?
Originally posted by smallblueplanet
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We are currently making our second loaf at the mo. I'm going to have to stock up considerably on ingredients with this breadmaking lark. I too have been using Doves Farm Organic Flour from the CO-OP.
Nobody warned me about the side effects though did they.?!?!?! (Parp). All that yeasty bread going (Parp) through the system (Parp) Had to work on my own today. (Parp).

I'm currently eyeing up the bread keeper with "useful cutting guide" in the lakeland kitchen catalogue at the mo anybody got any opinion's on it..?
