I just spent 1/2 and hour writing out a recipe and checking it, only to have the computer decide I was not logged on when I tried to post it Grrr!!
Here goes again (perhaps I will cut out the extraneous chat this time)
Mr MB had great success with perpetual spinach this year, and we both really like this recipe which I kind of 'invented' after our Cretan holiday.
Greek Spinach Pie
You need:
Short crust pastry to line a pie dish (approx 4oz pl flour, 2 oz butter, water to mix)
knob butter,
1 diced onion
as many cloves garlic as you like - chopped
tsp turmeric
spinach - amount doesn't matter, you can freeze any left over.
2/3 eggs beaten (depends on size of your pie dish)
1/4 pint milk
2/3 oz cheese, you can use feta or grated hard cheese
pepper, oregano (less is more in this)
Melt butter in a big saucepan, add onion, garlic and turmeric and saute while you de-vein and chop washed spinach. Add to saucepan as you go.
Stir well, the put lid on and leave for as long as possible, stirring occasionally. This reduces spinach to a creamy consistency and juice will be absorbed. If you need to use and there is still some juice, remove lid and boild to reduce, stirring all the time.
Make pastry and cool in fridge.
beat eggs and milk, adding pepper and small pinch of oregano
Preheat oven to c 180C
Line pie dish, add layer of spinach, layer of cheese, egg/milk mixture and sprinkly a little grated cheese on top.
Bake for about 1 hour until it rises and browns.
In Crete they make Chiropitas, small spinach pies with feta cheese as starters, but we find this 'quiche-style' pie works for a main meal.
Here goes again (perhaps I will cut out the extraneous chat this time)

Mr MB had great success with perpetual spinach this year, and we both really like this recipe which I kind of 'invented' after our Cretan holiday.
Greek Spinach Pie
You need:
Short crust pastry to line a pie dish (approx 4oz pl flour, 2 oz butter, water to mix)
knob butter,
1 diced onion
as many cloves garlic as you like - chopped
tsp turmeric
spinach - amount doesn't matter, you can freeze any left over.
2/3 eggs beaten (depends on size of your pie dish)
1/4 pint milk
2/3 oz cheese, you can use feta or grated hard cheese
pepper, oregano (less is more in this)
Melt butter in a big saucepan, add onion, garlic and turmeric and saute while you de-vein and chop washed spinach. Add to saucepan as you go.
Stir well, the put lid on and leave for as long as possible, stirring occasionally. This reduces spinach to a creamy consistency and juice will be absorbed. If you need to use and there is still some juice, remove lid and boild to reduce, stirring all the time.
Make pastry and cool in fridge.
beat eggs and milk, adding pepper and small pinch of oregano
Preheat oven to c 180C
Line pie dish, add layer of spinach, layer of cheese, egg/milk mixture and sprinkly a little grated cheese on top.
Bake for about 1 hour until it rises and browns.
In Crete they make Chiropitas, small spinach pies with feta cheese as starters, but we find this 'quiche-style' pie works for a main meal.
