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Naughty Pudding - what's yours?


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  • #16
    Chocolate fudgy puddle pudding recipe

    serves 4 (although serves 5 in my house)

    4oz sr flour
    6oz caster sugar
    2 tblsp cocoa powder (not drinking chocolate)
    4floz milk
    1tsp vanilla essence
    1oz butter
    pinch of salt
    4oz soft brown sugar
    1oz cocoa sifted (not drinking chocolate)
    3/4pint hot water

    Grease a 2 1/2pint ovenproof dish. Mix together the flour,caster sugar,pinch of salt and the 2tblsp of cocoa, I always sift these together. Melt the butter with the milk and vanilla essence.Stir in the milk,butter and essence to the dry ingredients, (no frantic beating required). Pour mix into the dish. Sift together the 1oz of cocoa and soft brown sugar. Sprinkle the mix in the dish with the cocoa and sugar evenly and then pour the hot water all over the top. Yes it will seem mad and look awful but trust me it will taste divine. Cook at gas mark 4/180/160 fan for about 40/50mins or until the sponge is well risen and well spongey. Eat hot. Enjoy. Also rather nice, if you fancy a real artery clogger, with some clotted cream on the side.


    • #17
      *wonders how I knew Nicos would ask for this!

      Back in a roly mo, got to find it


      • #18
        Malteser cheesecake.....have I died and gone to heaven ??? Recipe please.x


        • #19
          This makes a huge cheesecake and I usually halve everything and it still serves 6-8 greedy people.

          base: 2 packets of bourbon biscuits, 250g butter

          Top: 550g philadelphia cheese, 100g caster sugar, 4 egg yolks, 600g milk choc, 200g dark choc, 750g whipped cream, packet maltesers (white or normal)

          Make base, by melting the butter and adding the biscuits wich you have bashed up to make crumbs. Put into mould to set and put in fridge.

          Make top: Cream sugar and egg yolks. melt all choc and leave to cool. Add philadelphia cheese to the egg/ sugar mix. Add choc to the mix. Whip cream til forms soft peaks. Fold into mixture. Add maltesers to the mix leave them whole or crush them up.. Add mix to the base. Leave in fridge overnight if poss or at least 7 hours to set.

          You can see how much it will make by the quantities!


          • #20
            Nothing beats raspberries and clotted cream, except my home-made fruity-creamy ice-cream (the Mango one is delish, must make some more this sumer, if I can achieve any freeezer space). OH likes the chocolate ice-cream with white chocolate chips.... Never short of a pud in summer while I have the ice-cream machine!
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #21
              Oh I know nearly forgot how about home-made icecream? I like brown bread myself...umm and there's me SAYING I am not a pudding person and yet drooling over all your wonderful suggestions!


              • #22
                I was going to say hot chocolate fudge cake and cream, but then, having read these recipes - methinks Im going to have to have a go at them! Thank you for sharing them with everyone.
                Bernie aka DDL

                Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                • #23
                  Originally posted by rustylady View Post
                  Don't often do puddings, your recipe sounds lovely though. I have fond memories of syrup sponge pudding covered in custard. Real old fashioned comfort food and disastrous for the waistline.
                  I'm with you rustylady. You must try this microwave recipe.

                  TREACLE PUDDING

                  3 tablespoons golden syrup
                  4oz self raising flour
                  2oz shredded suet
                  2oz caster sugar
                  1 egg
                  2 tablespoons water
                  4 tablespoons milk
                  2 drops vanilla essence

                  Place the golden syrup in the bottom of a lightly buttered 1� pint basin.
                  Mix the flour, suet and sugar together. Beat in the egg, water, milk and vanilla essence. Spoon the mixture on to the syrup in the basin.
                  Cover the basin with cling film and cook on high for 2 minutes. Remove the clingfilm and cook for a further 2 minutes.
                  Leave the pudding to rest for 2 minutes before turning out and serving.

                  This recipe is for an oven with a maximum wattage of 800. You may need to adjust for higher rated ovens.



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