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Easy icecream to try


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  • Easy icecream to try

    300ml ready made fresh custard
    300ml fruit puree

    Make with any fresh fruit you have a lot of, frozen fruit or if really lazy buy pie filling or tinned puree like the mango one from Tescos in their Indian foods section. Or all custard if you just want vanilla (add vanilla essence if not in custard). What could be easier?

    If you don't have a machine, substitute half the custard with some lightly whipped up cream and freeze in a plastic box.

    It was my Mum's birthday last week and she loves icecream 'specially Green and Blacks. So she bought herself an icecream machine and gave it to me to make the icecream....naughty but nice, though useless for the!

    Anyway I can't be bothered with the recipes in the book as if you look at the ingredients on most good icecreams all they are is a fresh egg custard with flavouring in it.

    As I get older I'm always looking out for ways to cheat at cooking as I have better things to do with my time, most of the time anyway.

    So I bought some TTD fresh egg custard with vanilla from Sainsburys, mixed it with some puree made from blending up a bag of frozen fruit, popped it in the machine and 10 minutes later....hey presto! Result!

    Since last week I've made:-

    Blueberry and Cassis
    Mango, Cardomom and Lime
    Black Cherry
    Vanilla with caramelised pecans and toffee sauce - like Haagen Dazs Pralines and Cream!

    and Dark Chocolate - to be made this weekend

    Must stop this now..........tooooo late

  • #2
    Goosegog Ice cream is nice..........
    Made with cream .
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #3
      Cool, sounds quite simple to make.

      *goes off to see how much ice cream makers are*


      • #4
        Originally posted by chrismarks View Post
        Cool, sounds quite simple to make.

        *goes off to see how much ice cream makers are*
        (whispers) chris its cheaper to buy them second hand on ebay in the winter!!
        Last edited by northepaul; 11-06-2010, 03:39 PM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by northepaul View Post
          (whispers) chris its cheaper to buy them second hand on ebay in the winter!!
          Yeah it's cheaper to buy on ebay but only if the motor still works. Problem with most of the cheaper machines is the motor is only 20w. That may seem ok but what can happen is that the blade that churns the icecream round the bowl can get stuck i.e. frozen to the side of the bowl which knackers the motor. And yes, I've done it with the last Philips one we had

          We've gone for a Cuisinart dual bowl model this time with 50w motor. Can use one or two bowls depending on how much icecream you want to make. I use empty 500-600ml plastic pots that had fresh soup in to store in the freezer and it will make enough for 2 of those easily.

          And it's quick. It made the cherry one yesterday in about 7 minutes, though the mix was cold from the fridge which helps.

          Not cheap at �80 from Empire Direct but then you don't buy one to save money on icecream. It's only so we know what's in it and can have whatever flavour takes our fancy.

          If you fancy lollies instead take a look at the new electric lolly maker from Lakeland, if they haven't sold out yet. Can make 9 lollies in 21 mins. Great if you have kids (big and small), get some unexpected sunshine and fancy a lolly almost instantly. Just needs juice or you could even use Coke, Ribena or any other squash. Even that's �40 though there maybe cheaper copies on the market soon if it proves to be popular.


          • #6
            I do use 'ready made' custard (fresh custard from Waitrose) for making some ice-creams (especially maple). I find the sugar content needs a bit of a boost to get the best ut of it (you can't taste the sweetness as much at ice-cream temps, and the sugar makes it a better texture) but 500ml custard with 50ml maple syrup makes a delish ice-cream.
            Most of the others I make I use cream. With all the flavours I add, eggs are not essential.
            My husband's favourite is made with 300ml double cream, 25g sugar dissolved in 50ml hot water, 75g dark chocolate, 50g white chocolate chips.
            Fruit ice-creams, I use the recipe from Seymour's Self Sufficiency book, 4 parts fruit, 2 parts double cream, 1 part sugar (cream in ml, other ingredients in gr). Mash the fruit, or cook if too hard, stir together, bung in machine!
            I can sometimes buy tins of mango pulp. It is pre-sweetened, so I don't add sugar. 400g/ml pulp, 200ml cream (2 batches per tin, because it comes in BIG tins, 800g).
            Must sort out the summer-freezer, and start making more ice-cream soon!
            Summer freezer because it defrost itself when the shed gets too cold! (never buying another freezer from Argos, it's a fridge freezer, and they don't tell you that it only has 1 compressor and won't run in a room below 10 degrees C!!!!)
            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


            • #7
              In my long career as a milk tanker driver collecting milk from farms in the midlands i used to collect from a farm with a herd of Jersey (gold top) cow's in Kenilworth and they started making ice cream from Jersey milk and the herdsman used to say to me bring your cold box with you tomorow and the next morning he used to give me some nice samples to try and give verdicts upon all the samples were about 2 litre size so you could get the taste lovely they was to but it did not carry on his boss popped her clogs and the farm was sold it was good while it lasted...jacob
              What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
              Ralph Waide Emmerson


              • #8
                I can vaguely remember James Martin producing a 'quick' ice cream on his Saturday Kitchen but I've forgotten how he did it :s

                Oh, here it is.......

                Last edited by Colarris; 14-06-2010, 10:55 PM.


                • #9
                  We make a delicious and easy Lemon Curd ice cream from a Rose Elliot recipe

                  I jar Lemon Curd ( homemade or the best you can find )
                  I large tub natural Yoghurt
                  I large tub whipping cream

                  Mix Lemon curd with Yoghurt
                  Whip the cream and fold in
                  Freeze til just begining to set and stir to break up ice crystals then freeze again


                  • #10
                    I tried this last night..

                    150ml ready made custard, 150ml lightly whipped double cream, 300ml puree (sorta - blended up a tin of peaches). mixed together, froze.

                    Churned it once, then forgot about it. It's now kinda like re-froze ice cream.. but may be as I only covered with clingfilm? I'll let it defrost a little before trying to have it tonight as this morning I couldn't get any out of the bowl!


                    • #11
                      Just found this too: Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream and Dessert Book: Ben R. Cohen, Jerry Greenfield: Books


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