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Recipe Help - Carb Free


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  • Recipe Help - Carb Free

    OK, bear with me on this!

    Mr OWG wants to go carb-free for a while (e.g. no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes). He is the type of person that cannot 'cut down' and instead needs to go the whole hog and 'cut out'

    I have agreed to this on a trial basis, and am trying to menu plan (as I normally do) however, I'm having trouble finding interesting things to eat without repeating the same meals a million times.

    I'm assuming that things like noodles, cous-cous, polenta etc also count as carbs, as well as the usual stuff.

    Obviously this kind of diet works a bit better in summer due to the amount of salads and stir fries you can have; but other than that, I'm stumped.

    I've got 'unlimited' access to all kinds of veg and meat; but keep coming up with effectively a 'normal' meal with the carbs left out.

    Does anyone have any ideas what I can plan to eat?

  • #2
    Googled, but couldn't find and carbohydrate free meal plans. Found this site for low carb ideas - hope it helps. Low carb recipes cookbook free Atkins low GI diet and menu plans


    • #3
      Have a look here, hope you have a spare bedroom a Friend of mine went on this diet and reckoned his breath really stunk.

      Atkins Diet - LoveToKnow Diet


      • #4
        Beans are REALLY useful if you're cutting out carbs.

        They can be squished into burgers; give a salad substance or used to 'bulk out' a meal where you might have had pasta or potatoes.

        When I do a bit of low carb, as I do from time to time, (never strictly though), I just make normal stuff without the carb-y bits. For instance, I'll make a quiche without the pastry case; have ragu without the pasta, that kind of thing. Which is probably why I only ever do it for two days before giving up.
        I don't roll on Shabbos


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rhona View Post
          For instance, I'll make a quiche without the pastry case; have ragu without the pasta, that kind of thing. Which is probably why I only ever do it for two days before giving up.
          This is what I'm finding as I'm researching....

          I really don't think Mr OWG can go completely without carbs. We certainly don't have time to eat anything cooked in the morning; lunch is fine in terms of a chicken salad; but the thought of not having some sort of carb-y stuff with our evening meal is making me shudder.

          We already eat brown rice, wholemeal pasta etc, and I've started making spelt and rye bread (which he won't eat).

          I suspect he'll have to rethink this...


          • #6
            Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
            but the thought of not having some sort of carb-y stuff with our evening meal is making me shudder
            Who said you have to go without carbs? Just do your normal meal and leave his carbs out. Or suggest nicely that he does some research.


            • #7
              It really depends how strict your OH wants to be. If he is cutting out all carbs he can't eat fruit or beans or peas or root vegetables as well as the bread, pasta etc.

              Breakfast is easy if you have time - bacon and eggs, or boiled eggs, or an omelette, or fish, smoked haddock or kippers say. Being short of time in the mornings perhaps you could hardboil a couple of eggs the night before, chop them up and mix with mayonnaise. Other possibilities are cold meats or cheese - all can be eaten on the run!

              Lunch and dinner will be mostly meat, fish, or eggs with salads, low carb veggies, butter and mayonnaise to bulk them up.

              Snacks are important to have handy so that he doesn't grab a chocolate bar when he's hungry. Hardboiled eggs are useful here, as is cheese and cooked chicken thighs/drumsticks or other cold meats.

              Use mayonnaise - not salad cream - butter and cream to add flavour and richness without carbs. The fat in them keeps hunger at bay far longer than carbs will.

              You can add rice or potatoes and such to your own meal, of course.

              It isn't difficult - just needs thinking about and being organised. I hope this helps.
              Last edited by annacruachan; 14-07-2010, 06:40 AM.


              • #8
                Being seasonal; I'd recommend ratatouille. Gallons of it


                • #9
                  There is the option of 'cheating', by using VERY LITTLE of the carbohydrate rich foods, and taking carb-blockers before every meal.
                  When I did a few weeks on Atkins, I found it possible to substitute steamed finely shredded cabbage for the rice I would otherwise eat with a chilli (leave out the beans! You could add sweet peppers instead) or curry.
                  I prefer the 'new high protein diet' which is a less extreme version than Atkins. It allows you 1 thin slice of wholemeal bread, 1 orange and unlimited leafy veg each day, as well as all the animal-protein stuff.
                  I find it impossible to stick to any diet which exclude certain foods unless living alone, so that those things aren't in the house.....
                  Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OverWyreGrower View Post
                    Mr OWG wants to go carb-free for a while (e.g. no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes). He is the type of person that cannot 'cut down' and instead needs to go the whole hog and 'cut out'
                    Why does he want to go carb-free? Is it to lose weight? I know there are plently of people who swear by this method but I always worry when anybody wants to totally cut out an essential food group. Like you, I'd struggle to find interesting meal ideas though so don't envy you on that one.

                    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

                    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


                    • #11
                      If he wants to lose weight, tell him to join weightwatchers. You eat really well and he'll lose about 1kg per week!
                      Otherwise, for low GI then try Rick Gallop. His recipe books are brilliant.


                      • #12
                        vegetable lasagne with courgette strips instead of pasta, parsnip/carrot/turnip mash or chips, wonder what parsnip dauphinoise tatstes like, nut loaf, vegetable gratin with soy/tvp stuff instad of breadcrumbs, um....


                        • #13
                          I tend to eat vegetables (salad or stir fried) with beans and a delicious dressing on top. No rice, noodles or nowt.
                          I don't find it boring, because I loves me veggies

                          He could go halfway house and have a "no carbs after 4pm" rule ...?
                          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by taff View Post
                            vegetable lasagne with courgette strips instead of pasta, parsnip/carrot/turnip mash or chips, wonder what parsnip dauphinoise tatstes like, nut loaf, vegetable gratin with soy/tvp stuff instad of breadcrumbs, um....
                            Parsnips and potatoes are carb rich, so not allowed on a carb-free diet, carrots are borderline. Quite a lot of veggie-protein is also carb-rich (v-low carb diets for vegans are problematical, eggs and cheese solve the problem for non-vegan vegetarians)
                            Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


                            • #15
                              Thanks everyone...

                              We have agreed on a no-carb breakfast and lunch, and normal-ish dinner (smaller portion of carbs)

                              As I suspected, he is finding the no carb thing quite difficult, and not enjoying the more-veg aspect of it all (as he doesn't really like a lot of veg).
                              I think he thought he would get plate-loads of meat 3 times a day!!

                              He doesn't like most of the veg in traditional stir-fries, and got annoyed when I put grated kohl-rabi in his salad!

                              However, he has lost 2lbs this week...

                              (We haven't joined any sort of diet-club as a) we are in the sticks and there aren't any, b) we really haven't even got �5 a week to spare on it, and c) I find that places like WW and SW often use a lot of processed foods in their plans, and we don't eat much ready processed food)


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