I like tofu, quorn but not keen on TVP which find a bit rubbery.
I was veggie for many years, but not now, just slowly lapsed. My son who is now 8 decided of his own accord that he wanted to be veggie when he was 3 and a half as he didnt want to eat animals. Neither my partner or myself were veggie at the time. It was a christmas at my mums and my sister who was there is veggie. He had the option of a nutroast which he relished
I got many responses such as he'll grow out of it etc, obviously some people found the concept difficult? I think he enjoyed having the option, plus prior to this he had started to call any discolouration on meat a bruise, clearly seeing it as flesh from an early age. Plus I have never hidden behind terms such as bacon, ham, beef etc, but told him which animal it was from.
He is still a veggie, and Im very proud of him for sticking to his guns. It probably helped that as a previous veggie Im not daunted by veggie cooking, or cooking two versions of the same meal. My 5 year is not veggie and enjoys a good old sausage, whether it be meat, quorn or a glamorgan! Given the choice tho he'd just eat sweets crisps and biscuits
We try to buy outdoor free range meat especially pork and go to a butcher that sources meat locally. Dont eat loads tho. Chicken would love to get oranic but hey ho funds are low, again get free range, but mainly drummers and thighs as cant afford a whole bird free range. We allhave things we love hate or are indifferent to. Part of life is having a look at your neighbours plate and thinking "do I fancy that?"
I was veggie for many years, but not now, just slowly lapsed. My son who is now 8 decided of his own accord that he wanted to be veggie when he was 3 and a half as he didnt want to eat animals. Neither my partner or myself were veggie at the time. It was a christmas at my mums and my sister who was there is veggie. He had the option of a nutroast which he relished
I got many responses such as he'll grow out of it etc, obviously some people found the concept difficult? I think he enjoyed having the option, plus prior to this he had started to call any discolouration on meat a bruise, clearly seeing it as flesh from an early age. Plus I have never hidden behind terms such as bacon, ham, beef etc, but told him which animal it was from.
He is still a veggie, and Im very proud of him for sticking to his guns. It probably helped that as a previous veggie Im not daunted by veggie cooking, or cooking two versions of the same meal. My 5 year is not veggie and enjoys a good old sausage, whether it be meat, quorn or a glamorgan! Given the choice tho he'd just eat sweets crisps and biscuits

We try to buy outdoor free range meat especially pork and go to a butcher that sources meat locally. Dont eat loads tho. Chicken would love to get oranic but hey ho funds are low, again get free range, but mainly drummers and thighs as cant afford a whole bird free range. We allhave things we love hate or are indifferent to. Part of life is having a look at your neighbours plate and thinking "do I fancy that?"