I had a good onion crop this year grown from 50 autumn grown sets that equated to about 25 lb of onions. I pulled them in early June, dried them well in the sun (i only have my shed for hanging an it's not big enough for 25lb o onions) but it soon become apparent that they were not great keepers and i have just finished slicing an dicing the whole lot by hand for the freezer *wipes eyes* i managed about 12 big onions at a go . Frozen chopped onion is a handy thing to have an i have given lots away but the agonies o chopping that lot have made me realize that it's about time i invested in a food processor. I can't work out what one will fit the bill though as non o them say on the outside o the box exactly what they do! 
I want a machine that will chop an slice onions to a medium course size that is handy to just grab an throw in straight from the freezer with basic stew's, chili etc, plus will chop down finer for garlic and nuts too. I would like a dough hook as well, plus a mixer for cake making.
I have tried googling but the results are mind boggling. So i figured that you folk would be the best ones to ask as you have crops to process for the freezer and enjoy baking like myself.
I don't want to pay out on a machine that does not do what i need it to do either. I am looking to spend up to �60 on a machine that will process my crops and assist in my baking.
I would really appreciate you're opinions afor my eye's rot an fall out my head.
many thanks

I want a machine that will chop an slice onions to a medium course size that is handy to just grab an throw in straight from the freezer with basic stew's, chili etc, plus will chop down finer for garlic and nuts too. I would like a dough hook as well, plus a mixer for cake making.
I have tried googling but the results are mind boggling. So i figured that you folk would be the best ones to ask as you have crops to process for the freezer and enjoy baking like myself.
I don't want to pay out on a machine that does not do what i need it to do either. I am looking to spend up to �60 on a machine that will process my crops and assist in my baking.
I would really appreciate you're opinions afor my eye's rot an fall out my head.
many thanks