Well actually, I'm not sure if they are mandarins, satsumas, tangerines..... bought a big bagful while in Spain, and managed to brng most of them back. They are a little on the sharp side for eating, and in any case we won't get through them!
Now I need more jars so I can make more, because the marmalade only used about a quarter of the bag!
I got about 7lb out of this recipe.
1 med lemon
enough mandarins to bring total weight of fruit to 1kg (2lb if you don't like metric)
2kg (or 4lb) sugar
Just under a litre (1� pints) water (doesn't need to be precise, if you use too much, it just takes longer to boil to set)
I use 2 pans, because I like the result from that method. Pan A needs to be LARGE, ideally a proper jam pan.
Separate the coloured peel from the rest of the fruit, cut the peel into thin strips (whatever you are happy to find in the finished marmalade) and put into pan A with 600ml (1 pint) water.
Put the rest of the fruit into pan B with a bit less water.
Cover both pans, then bring them to the boil and cook until the pieces of peel are so tender they can be cut with a spoon edge (about 2 hours).
pour contents of pan B through a non-metal strainer, adding the liquid to pan A.
With a wooden spoon rub as much goo as possible through the sieve into pan A (there will be a LOT, and it is rich in pectin...)
Add the sugar.
Heat gently until every last grain of sugar is dissolved, then increase the heat and bring to the boil. Be careful, at a fast boil it froths up and need watching or it can boil over. Stirring hard whenever it gets too high in the pan helps.
Boil to setting point (test on cold saucers etc) as usual.
If you put it in the jars hot, you may find that most of the peel is near the top of each jar. If you put it in jars cooler, it has to be completely cold before putting the lids on (whatever sort of lid you use).
I prefer to do everything while the marmalade is hot. Floating peel is not a problem here, for our own use or family gifts.
Now I need more jars so I can make more, because the marmalade only used about a quarter of the bag!
I got about 7lb out of this recipe.
1 med lemon
enough mandarins to bring total weight of fruit to 1kg (2lb if you don't like metric)
2kg (or 4lb) sugar
Just under a litre (1� pints) water (doesn't need to be precise, if you use too much, it just takes longer to boil to set)
I use 2 pans, because I like the result from that method. Pan A needs to be LARGE, ideally a proper jam pan.
Separate the coloured peel from the rest of the fruit, cut the peel into thin strips (whatever you are happy to find in the finished marmalade) and put into pan A with 600ml (1 pint) water.
Put the rest of the fruit into pan B with a bit less water.
Cover both pans, then bring them to the boil and cook until the pieces of peel are so tender they can be cut with a spoon edge (about 2 hours).
pour contents of pan B through a non-metal strainer, adding the liquid to pan A.
With a wooden spoon rub as much goo as possible through the sieve into pan A (there will be a LOT, and it is rich in pectin...)
Add the sugar.
Heat gently until every last grain of sugar is dissolved, then increase the heat and bring to the boil. Be careful, at a fast boil it froths up and need watching or it can boil over. Stirring hard whenever it gets too high in the pan helps.
Boil to setting point (test on cold saucers etc) as usual.
If you put it in the jars hot, you may find that most of the peel is near the top of each jar. If you put it in jars cooler, it has to be completely cold before putting the lids on (whatever sort of lid you use).
I prefer to do everything while the marmalade is hot. Floating peel is not a problem here, for our own use or family gifts.