Found this and thought it might help with the runny jam/jelly syndrome
haven't actually tried it yet but it is on the to do list (damn sight cheaper than certo)
Roughly chop 2lb cooking apples including peel, core, pips and place in large pan. Pour over enough cold water to cover then bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 40mins or until very soft.
Pour mixture through a sterilised jelly bag suspended over a bowl and leave to drain for at least 2 hrs.
Pour the drained juice into a clean pan and boil for about 20 mins until the volume is reduced by one-third.
Pour into 150ml containers and either store in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for up to 4 months.
Use 75-90ml to every 1lb of fruit and stir in after the initial cooking of fruit but before the sugar is added .

Roughly chop 2lb cooking apples including peel, core, pips and place in large pan. Pour over enough cold water to cover then bring to the boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 40mins or until very soft.
Pour mixture through a sterilised jelly bag suspended over a bowl and leave to drain for at least 2 hrs.
Pour the drained juice into a clean pan and boil for about 20 mins until the volume is reduced by one-third.
Pour into 150ml containers and either store in the fridge for up to a week or freeze for up to 4 months.
Use 75-90ml to every 1lb of fruit and stir in after the initial cooking of fruit but before the sugar is added .