As most of you know, I have had an enforced year out. I have now lost my memory and have forgotten the most basic things.
Basically, after some time I have made a trip into the garden and found loads of PSB's. Rather than let them go to seed I decided to harvest them and freeze down and freeze down any I won't use to-day. Now here comes the stupid dilemma. Do I leave any leaves on before I consign them to the freezer, or should I have left them on? Presumably I could eat the leaves even so, if picked out the smaller one. Will they be a bit like strong cabbage, or will they be as tough as old boots? I feel right stupid not being able to remember what I used to do.
Maybe some kindly soul can re-jig my failing memory and bring me back to the real world. Ta s'much.

Maybe some kindly soul can re-jig my failing memory and bring me back to the real world. Ta s'much.