Hi folks I thought I would post this recipe I found on the internet for cheese sabl� biscuits which are soo easy to make and would be lovely to have on hand for the festive season!
The basic biscuit mix is:-
100g plain flour
100g butter
100g grated strong cheddar
mix the three together till you get a dough. Knead the dough briefly to get it thoroughly incorporated and roll into a long sausage shape about 4cm in diameter. Wrap up and chill for an hour or put in the freezer.
Cut slices from the roll of dough - this quantity makes about 50 biscuits, so aim for discs around 3-4 mm in depth. Lay them on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof / baking parchment. They spread a bit so leave some space between them.
Then the fun starts. The toppings I used were pinches of either paprika, grated parmesan, cumin seeds or a halved blanched almond. The recipe I found also advised poppy seeds but I didn't have any.
Brush each little biscuit with an egg wash made from one egg yolk and a tablespoon of water. For the ones you use a half almond on, press the almond lightly on the surface and egg wash over the top. For the rest, egg wash and then sprinkle the topping of your choice.
Bake at 190 degrees or equivalent for 6-8 minutes. Lift carefully off the baking sheet and cool on a wire rack. Fight the gannets off from eating them all at once.
The basic biscuit mix is:-
100g plain flour
100g butter
100g grated strong cheddar
mix the three together till you get a dough. Knead the dough briefly to get it thoroughly incorporated and roll into a long sausage shape about 4cm in diameter. Wrap up and chill for an hour or put in the freezer.
Cut slices from the roll of dough - this quantity makes about 50 biscuits, so aim for discs around 3-4 mm in depth. Lay them on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof / baking parchment. They spread a bit so leave some space between them.
Then the fun starts. The toppings I used were pinches of either paprika, grated parmesan, cumin seeds or a halved blanched almond. The recipe I found also advised poppy seeds but I didn't have any.
Brush each little biscuit with an egg wash made from one egg yolk and a tablespoon of water. For the ones you use a half almond on, press the almond lightly on the surface and egg wash over the top. For the rest, egg wash and then sprinkle the topping of your choice.
Bake at 190 degrees or equivalent for 6-8 minutes. Lift carefully off the baking sheet and cool on a wire rack. Fight the gannets off from eating them all at once.