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The sourdough Starter Thread


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  • Aaah! That is a scary starter! :eek

    i was just going to post about some grey mould that was growing along the top of the bowl mine lives in and if that is bad but...


    • Thank you. His name is Scary Wilbert.

      I'm hoping that an expert will come along and say, "yeah...just scrape off the crud and the creamy stuff underneath is ok".


      • Originally posted by WeeGarden View Post
        Thank you. His name is Scary Wilbert.

        I'm hoping that an expert will come along and say, "yeah...just scrape off the crud and the creamy stuff underneath is ok".
        Don't know what to say apart from poor Scary Wilbert

        If i was you i'd have a look on google for help but if its as bad as it look you might have to start again.

        one search I did :-

        Search | Sourdough Companion
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Thanks Bren! So.. after Googling...experiment time! After I removed the stuff on top, he smelt (and tasted ) sour still, so.............

          I scraped off the crud on top, careful to use sterilised spoons for each scrape so that it didn't contaminate the stuff on the bottom. Took 50g of Wilbert and gave him 50g water and 50g spelt flour. He's a bit thick at the moment cos the he was almost soft clay texture as the liquid had separated to the top to become the crud.

          Will see what he's like in the morning. If I'm still alive from tasting him.
          Last edited by WeeGarden; 07-04-2012, 09:41 PM.


          • Originally posted by WeeGarden View Post
            I started my first ever sourdough starter back in September 2011, baked with it once, and forgot about it in the fridge until I just came across this thread.

            Erm... do you think it can be saved?

            It has a layer of mould on the top too...
            If you found something else in the fridge that had been there for seven months, would you eat it?
            Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
            Endless wonder.


            • Depends on what it is!

              I think sourdough is just a yeast so they live indefinitely. Anyhoos... nothing ventured nothing gained. I'm not in a hurry for a sourdough loaf so I'll keep with the experiment and see how it goes. If it fails, I'll start up another one.

              I found this this morning and thought it might be of some interest (or not, as you all seem to be nicer to your sourdoughs ) seems like even if I do manage to revive Wilbert, he might be a bit unstable...
              Sourdough Home - Reviving a Sourdough Starter
              Last edited by WeeGarden; 08-04-2012, 10:25 AM.


              • Originally posted by WeeGarden View Post
                Depends on what it is!

                I think sourdough is just a yeast so they live indefinitely.
                But you've not got just yeast, have you? You've also got an unidentified mould. Some moulds produce toxins. You're certainly braver than me in continuing to use it!
                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                Endless wonder.


                • Originally posted by mothhawk View Post
                  ... the starter was getting way ahead of me, so I've still got 3 loaves in the freezer, and now I've shoved the starter in there too.

                  eta: wasn't sure what would be the best way, so I split it and fed it and then put it straight in the freezer before it started to bubble again.
                  Got my starter out of the freezer yesterday, (frozen 29/2/12) cut the frozen block in half and put half back. with the remaining half, after I defrosted it and fed it, made 2 small fruit loaves and some granary rolls.

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by mothhawk; 08-04-2012, 11:53 AM. Reason: bladdy photobucket won't resize the pic!
                  Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                  Endless wonder.


                  • Having done a food hygenie course which went into the causes of food poisoning, I would also be inclined to start again. I suppose by feeding and discarding you would be diluting any toxins, but the time it takes to do that, you could have another fresh (and safe) one on the go. For the sake of a week, I'd not risk it.

                    On another note, I went to the boot fair today, not many stalls and raining a bit as well, but I picked up 5 pyrex loaf dishes (for �4), so I'm going to try using these next time. I used metal loaf tins, lined with baking parchment, but the tins weren't in good nick (a little rusty), and during the proving the rust bled through the parchment.
                    Last edited by BarleySugar; 08-04-2012, 11:38 AM.
                    I could not live without a garden, it is my place to unwind and recover, to marvel at the power of all growing things, even weeds!
                    Now a little Shrinking Violet.



                    • Originally posted by WeeGarden View Post
                      Depends on what it is!

                      I think sourdough is just a yeast so they live indefinitely. Anyhoos... nothing ventured nothing gained. I'm not in a hurry for a sourdough loaf so I'll keep with the experiment and see how it goes. If it fails, I'll start up another one.
                      If you're not in a hurry to bake I'd get another starter going it only takes around 7 days. best be safe.
                      Location....East Midlands.


                      • Originally posted by BarleySugar View Post
                        On another note, I went to the boot fair today, not many stalls and raining a bit as well, but I picked up 5 pyrex loaf dishes (for �4), so I'm going to try using these next time. I used metal loaf tins, lined with baking parchment, but the tins weren't in good nick (a little rusty), and during the proving the rust bled through the parchment.
                        I love a bargain so well done with those dishes
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Will restart mine to be safe I think, cheers, it's looking a bit like a cat along the top with all the fur. Not sure what container I'll use, but might freeze it for later use rather than keep it out or in the fridge and risk more mould.

                          Good car boot bargain that BarleySugar! I miss going to those.
                          Last edited by Rabidbun; 08-04-2012, 02:28 PM.


                          • I think I'm going to start again too.

                            What a waste of 100g of flour. If only I'd decided this yesterday!

                            What a fab buy for �4 BarleySugar!
                            Last edited by WeeGarden; 08-04-2012, 08:49 PM.


                            • Foccacia!!!
                              Another incarnation for my sour-dough.
                              Usual quantities except sub 50ml of the water for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
                              Add finely chopped fresh red chillies and Rosemary at the knocking back stage.
                              I oiled my hands and work surface and worked it briefly to make sure the additions were worked through evenly, then pressed it into an oiled 8 x12 non-stick, solid swiss roll tin.
                              Allowed it to prove on top of the stove for about half an hour, then pressed indentations into it all over with my finger-tips.
                              Drizzled generously all over with more EVOO, more fresh Rosemary, coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
                              Allowed to prove further for about an hour and a half - till the dough had risen to the top of the tin.
                              Baked in the usual way, except I turned the temp down as soon as I put it in the oven and gave it forty minutes at the lower temp.
                              The resulting bread looks smells and tastes exactly as it should!
                              Have a go! The permutations are endless, chilli, garlic, rosemary, parsley, basil, PESTO!!!!!
                              Can't wait for my basil to get going.....
                              When the Devil gives you Cowpats - make Satanic Compost!


                              • Originally posted by Creemteez View Post
                                .... PESTO!!!!!
                                Can't wait for my basil to get going.....
                                Me too! Suppose I'd better get it out of the seed packet...
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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