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not from the restaurant bog basic curry thing


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  • not from the restaurant bog basic curry thing

    Dedicated, to Haywayne, as he has probably had more curries that I have...

    Indemnity clause, is that I wrote this years ago, and this is not a vindaloo, a biryani, a dhasak, pathia or whatever. If you slide and don't don't dice your onions, and have lots of them, you will however end up with a dopiaza...

    ach, just enjoy!

    Basic Curry from�scratch�
    This caters for chicken, it is however adaptable for any meat or veg you fancy. Most curries are cooked on the hoof, that is to say that all weights and measurements are thrown firmly out the window. Curries, the one�s I assist in producing are made to taste to here goes�

    Chicken Breast 1 pint of meat or veg stock in which 1-2 tablespoons of sugar have been dissolved.
    3 Medium to large onions (or one Spanish one depending on geography) Olive oil + 2 knobs of butter
    1-2 green chillies Salt and pepper
    Worcester sauce Coriander to garnish
    Soy sauce Garam Masala(mixed spice to me and you)
    2 tines of tomatoes Ground Red Chill i(not paprika!)
    1-2 teaspoons of cumin

    1. Onions, garlic and ginger should be chopped, once peeled, into segments. These then should be blitzed in a food processor. Should be blitzed long enough to form a smooth paste.

    2. Heat pan with oil, butter and cumin. Once oil has heated up. Anf cumin is popping, add ginger et al.

    2.1 Onions et al should be fried approximately 8-10 minutes. Onions should be just browning, becoming a little more caramelised. If they do start to burn, add more butter.

    2.2 Whilst onions are burning, sorry, browning, blitz tomatoes. Add tomatoes. ONIONS SHOULD NOT BE BURNT! Stir well, cook for five minutes.

    3. Add meat and stir well, so as to coat the meat. Cook for at least 8-10 minutes. In this time, meat should turn from pink to white. Do not stir too much, but enough to prevent burning and food poisoning. Create stock.

    4. Add chillies, soy and Worcester sauce, as well as salt pepper, garam masala and ground red chilli. Stir well so as to distribute. At this point, the chicken should start to release fat, don�t panic, as the mixture starts to simmer.

    Stages 3 and 4 are important and will take up the most time.

    5. Mixture will start to bond and hold together. Add stock. The sugar is not exactly necessary, it help speed everything up the whole she-bang, my mother disagrees and tuts. Stir mix if it sinks to bottom. Turn up heat slightly.
    6. Stir occasionally, pan should be half covered. DO NOT LET MIXTURE SIMMER DRY. If some liquid is lost, simply add more water. Leave curry simmer for approx 10-12 minutes.
    7. Add coriander�and enjoy!
    Horticultural Hobbit!/HorticulturalH

  • #2
    how much ginger, please?

    Sounds lush


    • #3
      As much or as little as you like.
      If you use a small amount and finally chop, the flavour isn't so strong. However, if you have lots and it's finely julienned, that will soon blow the cobwebs away.
      Horticultural Hobbit!/HorticulturalH


      • #4
        I love your recipes HH. They always make my mouth water and wishing that I hadn't just eaten the rubbish I have.


        • #5
          Have a go, VC, and then report back!
          Horticultural Hobbit



          • #6
            I must type up Mrs Rana's aubergine curry recipe - it is in my notebook somewhere from the time she told it to me!
            Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


            • #7
              Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
              Have a go, VC, and then report back!
              I need to buy some fresh spices - mine are vintage. Used to make loads of curries once upon a time....
              Will report back when I've restocked!


              • #8
                Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                Onions, garlic and ginger should be chopped, ...then should be blitzed in a food processor... to form a smooth paste
                aha, lightbulb moment!
                We love our curries, but they never come out as thick as takeaway ones. The blitzing could well be the secret

                thank you
                All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                  I need to buy some fresh spices - mine are vintage. Used to make loads of curries once upon a time....
                  Will report back when I've restocked!
                  Didn't they aged! You need a proper old school masala box. Sure you can find one in Wales...and if find a nice bollywood welshman...
                  Horticultural Hobbit




                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                    aha, lightbulb moment!
                    We love our curries, but they never come out as thick as takeaway ones. The blitzing could well be the secret

                    thank you
                    Anything for you, my lovely, legend and gardening goddess.

                    The blitzing and simmering will effect the consistency. Without the blitzing, you end up with a coarse sauce like a dopiaza.
                    Horticultural Hobbit




                    • #11
                      Originally posted by horticultural_hobbit View Post
                      Didn't they aged! You need a proper old school masala box. Sure you can find one in Wales...and if find a nice bollywood welshman...
                      What, pray tell me, would I find inside a masala box? A selection of essentials I guess - but what would they be - for when I go to stock up at my local spice shop?
                      I'm asking you O expert HH, since I can't rely on finding a nice bollywood Welshman in this part of the woods!


                      • #12
                        :: opens cupboard and has a look ::

                        Red chilli powder (not cayenne, that'a for
                        Colour not kick)
                        Garam masala
                        Green cardomoms and black ones
                        Cinnamon sticks
                        Last edited by horticultural_hobbit; 14-04-2012, 09:58 AM.
                        Horticultural Hobbit




                        • #13
                          One more teeny weeny question, if I may?
                          "Green cardomoms and green ones" - can you explain please??


                          • #14
                            Sorry! Was typing too quick. Black and green cardomoms.
                            Horticultural Hobbit




                            • #15
                              Didn't know there were black cardamoms! That's my first new thing learnt today -Thanks HH


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