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Rhubarb recipe ideas please!


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  • Rhubarb recipe ideas please!

    Not sure if this kind of post is allowed, but does anyone have any yummy recipes for rhubarb? I've got a huge clump and other than crumble don't know what else to do with it!

    Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
    Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

    Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins

  • #2
    Most simple recipe - pull off a stalk, rub on your jumper (or wash under the tap if you are more fussy), take an eggcup with sugar in it, dip and munch!! My mum's favourite way of getting us out of the way as kids.

    You can also stew with a tiny bit of water and enjoy hot or cold with custard, ice cream or whatever. There are many ways to use rhubarb, jams and wines are also an option depending how big a clump you have. I can't wait to be able to pull some of mine!
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Originally posted by peanut View Post
      Not sure if this kind of post is allowed, but does anyone have any yummy recipes for rhubarb? I've got a huge clump and other than crumble don't know what else to do with it!

      Oh -yes -it's certainly allowed!!!

      After all there is only so much crumble and custard washed down with rhubarb schnapps that one can manage!!!!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        I have a recipe for rhubarb and ginger jam and rhubarb and fig somewhere
        Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


        • #5
          Just found this.....Rhubarb Souffle

          600g rhubarb, washed and timmed to 3cm lengths
          100g + 1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
          1 vanilla pod
          1 tblsp arrowroot
          large knob butter unsalted
          icing sug
          5 egg whites

          put rhubarb in saucepan with 100g vanilla sug
          split the vanilla pod and scrape oout seeds into pan. Add the pod and heat gently until rhubarb has collapsed..about 15 mins. After 5 mins add arrowroot and mix well
          cool rhubarb and remove vanilla pod [at this stage the mix can be frozen or refrigerated for later]
          set oven to 220c
          heat butter in the souffle dish in the oven. As soon as it has melted, spread it all oner the sides of the dish and dust with icing sug
          Beat the egg whites until fluffy. Add remaining tablespoon vanilla sug and beat till stiff
          with a rubber spastula, quickly and gently fold the rhubarb into egg white mix well
          Fill souffle dish, smooth top and sprinkle with sugar
          Bake for about 15 mins without peeking in oven..It should be brown on top and well risen with a soft centre
          Eat before it sinks
          Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful..William Morris


          • #6
            rhubarb chutney with lamb mmmmmmm
            Yo an' Bob
            Walk lightly on the earth
            take only what you need
            give all you can
            and your produce will be bountifull


            • #7
              I stewed some rhubarb in an oven dish at about 175c with a few tablespoons of caster sugar and a splosh of water for 30 - 40 mins, then when it cooled, used it as the fruit in a trifle - the sponges on the bottom were (bought) lemon madeira cake, then rhubarb, then custard & whipped cream. It was lovely - trying it again with chopped up stem ginger and some of the ginger syrup from the jar.

              Si hoc legere scis, nimis eruditionis habes



              • #8
                Thanks all, I'll be stewing Rhubarb all weekend. To get me going I've just made my neighbour a crumble as he helps me out in the garden and looking after my dogs!
                Nestled somewhere in the Cambridgeshire Fens. Good soil, strong winds and 4 Giant Puffballs!
                Always aim for the best result possible not the best possible result

                Forever indebted to Potstubsdustbins


                • #9
                  You could try rhubarbeade.
                  4orfive largish sticks rhubarb--2 lemons--small ammount grated ginger,if liked--1lb(or modern alternative!)sugar--1gallon(ditto!)boiling water.
                  Chop rhubarb,slice lemons,unpeeled,and place in large bowl/clean food quality bucket,pour boiling water over and slowly stir in sugar until dissolved.Leave overnight(oh! put ginger,if using,in with rhubarb and sugar)Cover and leave overnight,strain.Children usually love this and it much better for them than chemical squash.but for adults a nice big slug of vodka with it is VERY good for you!! Also rhubarb sauce is very nice with mackerel or herring.


                  • #10
                    Rhubarb Cake

                    1/2 cup butter, softened
                    1 1/2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed
                    1 egg
                    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                    2 cups flour
                    1/4 teaspoon salt
                    1 teaspoon baking soda
                    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
                    1 cup milk
                    2 cups coarsely chopped fresh rhubarb
                    1/2 cup pecans or walnuts, chopped
                    1/2 cup granulated sugar
                    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
                    In a large mixing bowl with electric hand-held mixer, cream the butter until it is light and fluffy. Add the brown sugar slowly, continuing to beat, until the mixture is well blended and fluffy. Beat the egg and vanilla into the creamed mixture until well-blended.
                    In a separate bowl sift together the flour, salt, and baking soda.

                    Combine the lemon juice and milk; add it alternately with the flour mixture to the creamed mixture, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Beat after each addition, just enough to blend. Gently fold the chopped rhubarb into the batter; spoon into a greased and floured 9x13x2-inch pan, spreading evenly.
                    In a small bowl blend together the nuts, granulated sugar, and cinnamon and sprinkle evenly over the top of the rhubarb cake. Bake in a preheated 350� oven for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool the cake in the pan at least 25 minutes, then cut into squares and serve.

                    Serve with a dollop of sweetened whipped cream or whipped topping.

                    This is gorgeous. You could do it without the crunchy topping but it does rather make it! Got it off 't'internet!
                    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

           Updated March 9th - Spring


                    • #11
                      I like rhubarb fool - you mix equal parts whipped cream and custard, or, if you are feeling healthy, low-fat greek yoghurt and custard, and swirl stewed rhubarb through. I usually mix half the rhubarb with the custard/cream mixture, to give it the rhubarb, then mix the rest in very lightly, to give the 'rhubarb ripple' effect (now, there is an ice cream flavour for you - this would freeze into a splendid ice cream ).

                      Its a nice one for a summery lunch, and can be as easy (pot of yoghurt, meet pot of custard) or as difficult (insert recipe for custard here) as you want it to be! You can also play around with your seasonings - adding ginger to the stewed rhubarb, or sugar, if you have a sweeter tooth than I do, or whatever else you fancy.

                      Same recipe works just as well on the gooseberry or blackcurrant crop...



                      • #12
                        Here's a link to one Wellie posted and very delicious it is - and it freezes.
                        Rhubarb Ripple Fool

                        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                        • #13
                          I made rhubarb wine a couple of weeks ago CJJ Berry's recipe:

                          3 lb rhubarb
                          3lb sugar
                          1 gallon water
                          wine yeast and nutrient (1 tsp each)

                          Chop rhubarb and cover with sugar; leave in covered pan/bucket until most of the juice has run out and the sugar dissolved then strain off.
                          stir pulp in a little water and strain again, rinse container with more water to get all the sugar out and make up to 1 gallon. Add yeast and nutrient and ferment in a demijohn.

                          I mixed it with some pear wine and have two gallons on the go at the moment. Think it will be a goodun.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Polly Fouracre View Post
                            You could try rhubarbeade.
                            4orfive largish sticks rhubarb--2 lemons--small ammount grated ginger,if liked--1lb(or modern alternative!)sugar--1gallon(ditto!)boiling water.
                            Chop rhubarb,slice lemons,unpeeled,and place in large bowl/clean food quality bucket,pour boiling water over and slowly stir in sugar until dissolved.Leave overnight(oh! put ginger,if using,in with rhubarb and sugar)Cover and leave overnight,strain.Children usually love this and it much better for them than chemical squash.but for adults a nice big slug of vodka with it is VERY good for you!! Also rhubarb sauce is very nice with mackerel or herring.
                            I like the sound of this Polly! I've copied and pasted it next to my rhubarb scnapps recipe! Deffo give it a try! Cheers
                            My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                            to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                            Diversify & prosper


                            • #15
                              Rhubrbede sounds really good.can anyone post a recipe for Rhubarb chutney please


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