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garden to plate...... seasonal recipes


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  • #16
    Originally posted by andy_j View Post
    Then add a few glugs of balsamic vinegar,
    When I read this I auto substituted an s for a g...

    I wondered for a moment if someone had invented a tasty way of using those pesky slugs. Sadly not. I suspect they would taste vile whatever you did with them.
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • #17
      Originally posted by Penellype View Post
      When I read this I auto substituted an s for a g...

      I wondered for a moment if someone had invented a tasty way of using those pesky slugs. Sadly not. I suspect they would taste vile whatever you did with them.
      Sent from my pc cos I don't have an i-phone.


      • #18
        Thanks... but no thanks lol
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • #19
          May I suggest that a Mod moves this to the 'Season to Taste' forum? That is where all the good recipes live
          This forum is more about how to grow veg.
          Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


          • #20
            I have just unearthed some of my Kestrels. I intend to just rub the skins off then proceed to slice them into the longest lengths possible, then into strips about a half inch by half inch. Then immerse them for a few minutes in a good deep pan in some oil which has been extracted from vegetable matter and heated to a very high heat. I shall agitate them constantly throughout. When they begin to change colour, test them for readiness by sqeezing one gently between thumb and forefinger. When satisfied as to their readiness, tip them onto a plate on which has been placed a paper towel to remove excess oil. They may be served as an accompaniment to many things: Pies, fish, sossidges, eggs, beans etc etc. However, they do benefit from a light jolloping of tomato sauce, thereafter to be placed between two slices of bread just prior to consumption.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Penellype View Post
              Courgette, tomato and sweet pepper soup

              Any combination of:
              Green, red or other coloured peppers
              Onion (optional)
              Chicken stock (amount will depend on how many tomatoes you are using and how juicy they are).

              Chop the veg into chunks removing the seeds from the peppers and the stalk ends from the tomatoes, skinned first if you prefer. Fry the onion (if using) until soft then add the remaining veg and the stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 8 minutes until the veg are soft. Cool slightly then blend in a food processor until smooth. Pass through a sieve if you don't like tomato pips or if the skins of the peppers are tough.

              Reheat (or freeze) and serve with chopped basil and parmesan (or other well flavoured) cheese.

              (Note that I do not like strong flavours. Others may prefer to add salt and pepper or possibly a touch of paprika or cayenne pepper).

              perfect! just what i needed. will be trying this one asap
              My favourite vegetable is steak


              • #22
                I have just moved this thread KG ...some lovely suggestions!!
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #23
                  Thanks Nicos.
                  Really hope people still post on this one. i need all the help i can get lol xx
                  My favourite vegetable is steak


                  • #24
                    There are lots of recipes in this section, have a browse.


                    • #25
                      This soup is an absolute 'must make' when your courgettes start coming through in droves. It is amazing.
                      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


                      • #26
                        Hey kitchengardener,got any recipes you want to share with us,we might get a better idea of what may interest you
                        A lot of peeps make chutneys from veg gluts
                        He who smiles in the face of adversity,has already decided who to blame

                        Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity


                        • #27
                          If you tell us what you're growing, I'm sure we can come up with some recipes for you


                          • #28
                            How about potato floddies (traditional English version of Rosti dating back to the days of canal diggers).
                            Grate potatoes and squeeze out excess water. Mix with flour and finely chopped onion, season to taste then pan fry each side until golden. You can also add grated cheese, herbs etc.
                            They go well as a base for winter sausage and gravy type meals or just as well topped with fresh summer salad.
                            Location ... Nottingham


                            • #29

                              Its getting to that time of year when the courgettes come thick and fast. Here are some ideas - all are best for small courgettes and won't work well if they turn into marrows. They are suggestions for combinations of flavours rather than actual recipes.

                              Cook courgettes briefly in boiling water, cool and slice. Add French dressing and a generous quantity of mixed chopped fresh herbs (any combination of parsley, chives, tarragon, fennel, chervil, basil, rosemary).

                              I also like courgettes stir fried with tomatoes and basil cooled as a side salad.

                              Pasta sauces
                              Soften onion and garlic/peppers if liked in butter or oil and add chopped cooked ham or cooked sausage, chorizo etc. Add tomatoes and heat through. Flavour with herbs to taste.

                              Variations on ratatouille, with any combination of onions, courgettes, peppers, aubergines and tomatoes, basically stewed down to a soft mixture in olive oil. Flavour with garlic, crushed coriander seeds, basil and parsley if you like. The idea is to cook it down slowly so that most of the liquid disappears - this can take upto an hour.

                              Quick lunch
                              Soften onion and garlic if liked in a knob of butter. Add courgettes and chopped smoked salmon trimmings or potted shrimps and stir fry briefly. Season with lemon juice, cayenne and/or black pepper and nutmeg or mace to taste. Serve on toast or with chunky bread.

                              With rice
                              Make a basic sauce with butter, flour, stock and cream if you are feeling decadent. Add smoked salmon or shrimps as above and seasonings to taste then pour over the courgettes and serve with rice. Alternatively use the stock to cook some risotto rice with the flavourings and stir in the fish, cream and courgettes at the last minute. You could also add some fresh peas or baby broad beans, and you could substitute chopped ham or bacon for the fish, in which case you would cook it with the rice and leave out the nutmeg or mace.

                              Baked dishes
                              In lasagne
                              As a substitute for aubergines in moussaka.
                              Baked in layers with fresh tomato sauce and mozarella cheese, topped with parmesan, anchovies and basil.
                              Last edited by Penellype; 18-07-2014, 07:07 AM.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • #30
                                today i made a bit of a concoction green soup. had courgette, onion, potatoes, spinach, garlic and a bit of parsley, ginger and chilli powder was nice...a little bland.

                                im growing french beans, beetroot, courgettes, pak choy, spinach, tomatoes, herbs, potatoes, corn, onions, radishes, spring onions

                                im wanting some great wholesome healthy family meals ideally.
                                the courgettes, french beans and beetroot are the only real edible things so far lol xx
                                My favourite vegetable is steak


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