Each year, any surplus to requirements veg that I grow is placed into plastic trays and left near my front gate, with a sign saying "Fresh and free veg, please take" This year, a young lady who lives just a few doors down from me, took a couple of the courgettes that I had placed in the boxes earlier in the day, saying she would make some courgette cake, and would bring me a piece up when it was baked, it arrived this lunch time, it was delicious, so tasty, the young lady says it was made from a recipe using fresh lemon and courgette, Are there any others on here that make courgette cake, and if so, what do they put into their recipes?
NB cake now all gone, just this pic to show what it looked like, must go on a diet!
NB cake now all gone, just this pic to show what it looked like, must go on a diet!
