Having harvested a bucket full ( 5 gallon ) of chillies today we have made an experimental chilli paste.
First I cut the tops off of a kilo of mixed chillies, jalape�o , vampire, Tabasco , Numex twilight & aji lemon then cut them in half longways.
They then went in the hot smoker and after it had cooled we ran them through again for an intense smokey flavour.
We then blitzed the lot with a stick blender until a smooth paste was formed and added 2 bulbs of elephant garlic some olive oil and a spoonful of curing salt.
This was then blitzed again and divided into small jars before processing in boiling Water for 40 minutes.
The result is dark brown smokey smelling and incandescently hot. Anyone else tried this, so many chillies this year
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First I cut the tops off of a kilo of mixed chillies, jalape�o , vampire, Tabasco , Numex twilight & aji lemon then cut them in half longways.
They then went in the hot smoker and after it had cooled we ran them through again for an intense smokey flavour.
We then blitzed the lot with a stick blender until a smooth paste was formed and added 2 bulbs of elephant garlic some olive oil and a spoonful of curing salt.
This was then blitzed again and divided into small jars before processing in boiling Water for 40 minutes.
The result is dark brown smokey smelling and incandescently hot. Anyone else tried this, so many chillies this year
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