My mum hated cooking but cooked really well!
We had lots of meat & two veg type meals, nothing exotic at all. She hates pasta (even now!) so every so often we'd have spaghetti bolognese which tasted of nothing Italian at all - no herbs or anything! We very rarely had any "made" dessert - it was usually either a piece of fruit or a yoghurt.
Roast chicken, beef, pork, lamb. Lamb or pork chops, turkey escalopes. With either new or mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli.
What I do remember was Sunday teatimes
We'd have had our baths and hair washed, and, since we'd have had a sunday roast, for tea we'd have sliced white bread with marge on, a granny smiths apple cut into wedges and some Walkers Ready Salted crisps (shared pack with my sister). Doesn't sound like much, but it's defintely a comfort food! 
Mr OWG is even worse, as his mum had really odd taste in food, so when I met him he didn't eat cheese, eggs, vegetables, chicken. Not becuase he didn;t like them, but rather that he'd been told they were horrible and had never eaten them!
We had lots of meat & two veg type meals, nothing exotic at all. She hates pasta (even now!) so every so often we'd have spaghetti bolognese which tasted of nothing Italian at all - no herbs or anything! We very rarely had any "made" dessert - it was usually either a piece of fruit or a yoghurt.
Roast chicken, beef, pork, lamb. Lamb or pork chops, turkey escalopes. With either new or mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli.
What I do remember was Sunday teatimes

Mr OWG is even worse, as his mum had really odd taste in food, so when I met him he didn't eat cheese, eggs, vegetables, chicken. Not becuase he didn;t like them, but rather that he'd been told they were horrible and had never eaten them!
