Following the Great Eelworm Plague of earlier this year, the advice seems to be that you can eat the onions, but they won't store.
With this in mind I went to the Hill last night gave the onion bed a long overdue weed and turfed out about half of the smaller onions which will hopefully give the others more room to grow.
I'm resigned to not storing certainly the ones that I've havested so far, but if they wont store as is, how can I freeze/cook/process what I have? I'm looking for ways to preserve the onions as onions to use later, rather than recipes with onions in...........
With this in mind I went to the Hill last night gave the onion bed a long overdue weed and turfed out about half of the smaller onions which will hopefully give the others more room to grow.
I'm resigned to not storing certainly the ones that I've havested so far, but if they wont store as is, how can I freeze/cook/process what I have? I'm looking for ways to preserve the onions as onions to use later, rather than recipes with onions in...........