Hello lovely Grapes.
I'm after the definitive hot chilli sauce as I have about a kilo of fatalii to use up. Yes it is going to be a rocket fuel sauce
After days of trawling through recipes online I'm fed up of finding a recipe I quite like, only to be told that the yield is 20 gallons and it needs storing in the fridge. Doh. No wonder American fridges are so big
Should I just make one of these and then waterbath the results?
I have tomatoes, chillies, vinegar, sugar, spices and don't want to buy anything else - did find a nice recipe that included papaya, nashi pears and mango
So basically, do you have a fab recipe that you'd be prepared to share?
I'm after the definitive hot chilli sauce as I have about a kilo of fatalii to use up. Yes it is going to be a rocket fuel sauce

After days of trawling through recipes online I'm fed up of finding a recipe I quite like, only to be told that the yield is 20 gallons and it needs storing in the fridge. Doh. No wonder American fridges are so big

I have tomatoes, chillies, vinegar, sugar, spices and don't want to buy anything else - did find a nice recipe that included papaya, nashi pears and mango

So basically, do you have a fab recipe that you'd be prepared to share?