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Vegetarian meal ideas


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  • #31
    We eat veg mostly, though I try to make some non-veg stuff for me and little one few occations.

    my recipies are simple..I just check what I have like a veg,oil,chilli,garlic and salt are my main ingradients..but can use any thing on top of these and make different dishes.we should havea thread like 'big allotment challenge - cooking challenges' with given ingradients to learn / try !!!


    • #32
      I was out for dinner last week and had a delicious butternut squash and spinach crumble - really enjoyed it!


      • #33
        We are going to try tonight for tea either veg curry or mushroom risotto


        • #34
          My friend (and plot neighbour) has lent me a beautiful cookery book called 'Persiana'. It is a collection of recipes from the Middle East.
          It contains a lot of meat dishes but each of those is served with a grain or rice dish, a salad and a sauce....all heavily spiced and delicious looking.
          So, perfect for people like me who are cooking for carnivores, omnivores and vegetarians who all want to eat together!

          Lots of ingredients I've never tasted, I'm off to the Middle Eastern supermarket to source;
          Preserved lemons
          Preserved (or Omani) limes
          Pomegranite molasses
          Ras el Hanout

          Anyone got any idea what these things taste like?
          I'm quite excited!


          • #35
            Pomegranate molasses is gorgeous - sweet, dark & sticky and slightly tangy. Ras el Hanout depends a bit on the one you get. And it's difficult to describe. Mine has roses in it too - it has a fair kick to it. I have sumac in the cupboard, but can't remember what it's like. There are some really good shops near me as we've got a fair few Iranians in the area. I've become hooked on barberries sauteed in butter as a result. Barberries in saffron rice is delicious.
   - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


            • #36
              I use Ras el Hanout alot. However, it is hard to say what the taste is actually like because it is normally as it is a mix of anywhere between 12 and 20 spices.

              I think it depends on where you get it and what their family mix was. Either way its delicious.

              Try making veggie scotch eggs uding soya and rolling them in bread crumbs with the Ras mixed in to it. It also works for breaded chicken etc.

              Dumplings taste good and so does pastry made with half a tsp.
              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


              • #37
                Tomato crumble is delish. Peel and quarter the toms and put in baking dish. Make topping with equalparts flour, butter and parmesan. Bake 30 mins.


                • #38
                  Has anyone ever tried this??? It looks nice

                  Indian sweet potato & dhal pies | BBC Good Food


                  • #39
                    Here is my vegan page, you can alter most meals if you require
                    If you want to view paradise
                    Simply look around and view it.


                    • #40
                      Thanks, I will go and have a look

                      Tonight we are having slow cooked Dhal curry


                      • #41
                        Last night, I cooked some potatoes in their skins and while they were on the stove I made a stir fry of:

                        1 large onion, chopped
                        a handful of dried bay boletes and porcini mushrooms (last year's finds)
                        a handful of fresh French bean pods, young and tender ("Major Cook's", from the VSP)
                        a teaspoonful of granulated vegetable stock
                        and finally
                        three pears from my old pear tree, cored and cut up into bite-sized pieces.
                        Seasoned with half a teaspoonful of curry.

                        Peeled the potatoes and dinner was ready.

                        Unfortunately there isn't anything left of it so I'll have to start over later today
                        Last edited by nellie-m; 18-09-2015, 10:23 AM.
                        ...bonkers about beans... and now a proud Nutter!


                        • #42
                          I made creamy courgette curry :

                          Dice a large onion..
                          cut the courgets into small cubes
                          chap few garlic cloves
                          chap chilli/use any thing spicy or just garlic will do
                          salt,turmeric,and chilli powder, corriander powder (only salt is must as per the interest)

                          heat the skillet, add 2 table spoons of oil.
                          *I will add some musturd and cumin seeds at this point, but can be skipped
                          add all the contents from chaopping board(onion,garlic,courgette etc)
                          let the mix get cook on medium flame for 2 minutes and the stirr it, add salt and turmeric and chilli powder (skip if more garlic or green chilli is used)

                          let the courget get soft with ocational stirring and then add milk or cream as per your taste. once the milk or cream added put the heat off. and mix the curry ( I mash some of the courget pieces with laddle to get the juices thick and creamy)

                          will post the picture when I make it again

                          tastes good with rice or any flat breads/roti


                          • #43
                            If you are going to try it for a month then get 2 or 3 recipe books that you like the contents of, keep the recipes simple.

                            You will have say 20 to 30 main meals to prepare over a month, as well as others bits for lunch even if small. So you will need a selection of options.

                            I have one book titled: 1000 Vegetarian.
                            You could pick a number at random and make whatever is on that page.

                            Also read the contents of anything you make, I have read recipes from an internet site that was vegetarian and included chorzoi sausage, another had pork in it.


                            • #44
                              We had Spicy falafels the other night. Made with chickpeas. It smelt nice. OH said it smelt like I was cooking meat. But I didn't like it, I am a fan of chickpeas. Thought it might taste different when making it into a burger.


                              • #45
                                We haven�t eaten meat for years but do have the odd prawn or bit of fish. It can be hard but a Linda McCartney sausage in a yorkshire pudding or a little quorn mince in a pie can go a long way to feel like you are having the real thing.

                                Same as muddled though, we do end up eating quite a bit of cheese so easy but have gained weight but then again got older!!

                                Nobody has mentioned pasta�s, hundreds of different ones you can make (maybe i missed it) tomato, pesto, creamy, cheesy, mushroomy. Stuffed ones with spinach, squash, roasted veg. etc

                                We also eat quite a bit of sushi, you can vary it from vegan to fish. One of my favourites is philly and avocado.

                                Best burgers are for us are: carrot�s, peas, sweetcorn, onion, spinach and a little potato. breadcrumb them and either bake, grill or fry.
                                These are nice with a salad as well.

                                It is quite hard over here eating veggie, although it is getting a lot better. Last year i went out in a group and asked for something veggie, i was told they could do some rice and veg, thought ok that will do it came with chunks of Jamon ham in it.
                                I grow 70% for us and 30% for the snails, then the neighbours eats them



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