Ha! I didn't spot them at first in your photo Kimble, but there they are. Pink with yellow yolks! They look fab!
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time to pickle some eggs
OK everyone, get eggs, a beetroot, and lets make some.
I am going to pressure cook 10 eggs - I use a pressure cooker a lot and hear eggs are easier to peel cooked that way, or steamed.
So, 10 eggs, week old ones. I have beetroot boiled, (2 hours) 4 of them, enough to fill the pan so you get the lovely beet water needed. 1-2 for the beet/eggs, 2-3 for tonight's dinner.
1 cup red beet juice (from canned beets)
1� cups cider vinegar
1 teaspoon brown sugar
a few canned whole tiny red beets (or several slices of beets can be used)""
These are the US Government site on home canning and are 100% to be fallowed if you want complete safety. National Center for Home Food Preservation | How Do I? Pickle
Pickled Eggs
""There are no home canning directions for pickled eggs. All of the following pickled egg recipes are for storage in the refrigerator. Pickled eggs should never be at room temperature except for serving time, when they should be limited to no more than 2 hours in the temperature danger zone of 40 to 140 degrees F.
Caution: Home pickled eggs stored at room temperature have caused botulism. For the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), see Foodborne Botulism From Eating Home-Pickled Eggs --- Illinois, 1997 The Editorial Note in this report cautions against room temperature pickling and storage, also. The CDC further cautions that to reduce the risk for botulism when pickling, food items should be washed and cooked adequately, and utensils, containers, and other surfaces in contact with food, including cutting boards and hands, should be cleaned thoroughly with soap and warm water. Containers (e.g., jars and lids) in which pickling will occur should be sterilized (e.g., placed in boiling water for a prescribed period). ""
I always keep them in the refrigerator and they are safe for ever that way. Industry cam make room temperature safe pickled eggs because they have labs to check acidity and such - I also like them a bit light on the vinegar and eat then in 10 days or they get tough and rubbery.
I will be adding a bit of pickling spices and reducing vinegar to 1 cup and increasing sugar to 1 tablespoon. White vinegar and white sugar.
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