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Pentland Potatoes taste


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  • Pentland Potatoes taste

    I do not know if I am in the right thread. I dug up my pentland javelin and boiled them last night. They were in good condition no blight or any thing however the taste was not good. They had a bitter peppery after taste and this morning the boiled water was green. I planted the potato in a black single potato bag and added potato feed and used ash to mix in the soil ( mother in law idea). I have had potato from another bag and they seemed OK. Can anyone help?

  • #2
    Not sure that ash is a good idea for potatoes, as it can encourage scab. That said, if the potatoes looked healthy, that might not be the problem.

    The colour of the water and the taste suggest they could have solanine in them. See:


    • #3
      Did you check them before cooking to make sure none of them were going green? This happens when potatoes are exposed to light, either by growing too close to the surface of the soil or being stored in a light place. Or possibly from a faulty grow-bag that lets some light through its sides. Sometimes slight greenness is hard to detect because it's just under the skin. And some varieties go green more easily than others.

      You need to cut out any green parts, or throw away any spuds that are mostly green. The green colour is just chlorophyll, which isn't poisonous, but it indicates that the potatoes have also produced some bitter and toxic alkaloids, mainly solanine as Snoop says, in the green parts. You probably haven't eaten enough this time to seriously poison yourselves, but it's best to prevent it happening in the future.
      Last edited by Zelenina; 23-06-2016, 05:36 PM. Reason: missing t


      • #4
        No I checked no green. None of the potatoes came to the top, they were in the middle of the bag. And I have not had any tummy bugs. Oh well thanks for help. Will see if the others taste funny.


        • #5
          Agree with Zelenia, it does sound like solanine. Was it wood ash you added.
          Location ... Nottingham


          • #6
            Yes wood ash from fire place.


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