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Your best recipes of the year so far??


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  • Your best recipes of the year so far??

    Just wondering if you'd like to share your most successful recipes so far this year?

    Tried and tested, or something new?
    Preserved or fresh....
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France

  • #2
    This summer we've revisited a side dish that most of our grandparents in the area used to make. They used malt vinegar and served it at Sunday tea time with Colwick cheese sandwiches.

    Thinly sliced red onion
    Sliced cucumber
    Sprinkle of sea salt
    Generous slosh of red wine vinegar

    A simple dish, the vinegar brings out the sweetness of the onions and combines it with the cuke.
    Location ... Nottingham


    • #3
      Not so much a recipe than a tip!

      I love curry!

      But following my recent MOT at the Doctors was diagnosed as borderline high cholesterol and have to start cutting it out!

      So treat myself last Friday to the full "Shabang", all the sides n the lot! Raita sauce, mango chutney, the works!

      Local shopkeeper "Indian" said do away with the Raita n Mango n use "Brown Sauce"

      Give over!

      But it brings out all the flavour in your side dishes said he, and we use it all the time.

      Tell ya what! He was "Bang On"!
      "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


      • #4
        Swede & carrot soup recipe has been a very good find.
        It's lovely. Will definitely be making more for the freezer.
        Just got a pile of courgettes to turn into soup today. With another new recipe will let you know if it's any good.

        Recipe taken from a vegetarian cooking blog / website thing

        swede and carrot soup with smoked paprika
        Servings: 4Print

        1 onion, roughly chopped
        1 clove garlic, finely chopped
        400 g swede, peeled and cut into chunks
        150 g carrot, peeled and cut into chunks
        � tsp smoked paprika
        1 tsp dried thyme
        � tsp sea salt
        generous grind of black pepper
        2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
        1.2 litres vegetable stock


        1. Pour the oil into a large pan and place over a medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the onion and stir. Continue cooking until the onion is translucent. Add the Swede, carrot and garlic, and stir and cook for a further 3 to 4 minutes. Add the thyme, smoked paprika, sea salt and black pepper and stir in. Finally pour over the vegetable stock.

        2. Bring the contents of the pan to a simmer. Reduce the heat and cook for 20 � 25 minutes or until the carrot and the Swede are tender. Remove from the heat and leave to cool for a few moments.

        3. In a blender, process the soup until it is smooth and velvety. You will need to do this in batches. To serve, reheat the soup but do not allow to boil.


        • #5
          Stewed plums and granola for breakfast...............and lunch
          The plums were cooked ready for jam making............but I was hungry
          That's my best recipe of the day, does that count?


          • #6
            been playing around with korean chilli paste, gochujang, nice and fiery.
            made a lovely pak choi dish yesterday.

            make a paste of 2 tablespoons miso paste, 2 cloves crushed garlic , a minced green onion,2 teaspoons of sesame oil and 2 tablespoons gochujang (if not a hot chilli fan, cut that to a teaspoon or two)

            blanch pak choi and drain, toss onto paste and stir fry for a minute, sprinkle with two teaspoons toasted sesame seeds, serve or plain white rice.

            home made british minced chilli paste would work just as well as long as it is hot
            Last edited by SelkirkAlex; 17-08-2017, 12:39 PM.


            • #7
              Love this thread!!


              • #8
                I've made this courgette and potato bake a few times its now amongst my fave recipes.

                Briam (Greek potato and courgette bake) recipe - All recipes UK
                Location....East Midlands.


                • #9
                  The butter chicken recipe on the link that Jimmy put up on his 'Curry' thread. Delish!

                  * mod note.....

                  This one?

                  Last edited by Nicos; 19-08-2017, 09:01 AM. Reason: Adding link


                  • #10
                    Another quick seasonal favourite - Green beans with mustard and chorizo

                    Green beans chopped into 1inch pieces
                    Handful of chopped chorizo
                    tbsp of Dijon mustard
                    Chopped garlic

                    Saut� the beans in a splash of water and olive oil (the beans should be almost cooked when the water has evaporated)
                    add the garlic and cook for a minute
                    add the chorizo and mustard and cook for another minute
                    season to taste
                    Location ... Nottingham


                    • #11
                      Another seasonal one;


                      It works just as well if the grated courgette is frozen and defrosted prior to making the cake - neither I or OH could tell any difference in taste or texture on consecutive mouthfuls of cake from frozen/thawed and cake from freshly grated courgettes.
                      So, we now have a few 200g blocks of grated courgette in our freezer for winter use


                      • #12
                        Runner bean bhaji..,like an onion bhaji but three quarters of the onion substituted for shredded runner beans. I made it up but it's fab.
                        Follow my grow and cook your own blog

                        Wordpress Reader: Tabularassa99
                        Instagram: Tabularasathrive


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                          The butter chicken recipe on the link that Jimmy put up on his 'Curry' thread. Delish!

                          * mod note.....

                          This one?

                          Better Butter Chicken / Chicken Makhani
                          That's the one Nicos. Couldn't find the fenugreek leaves so just had to use ground but it was delicious.


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