Ok - Folk on the vine have requested that I start a thread and post up my soup recipes in one place so here goes!
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Eskymo Soup Recipes
Cauliflower and Chedder Cheese Soup
Cauliflower and Chedder Cheese Soup
(This makes quite a lot as I always freeze it in portions)
2 medium onions
2 cloves garlic
3oz butter
2 cauliflowers
1 tablespoon of wholegrain mustard
4 pints of boiling water with 2 veg stock cubes added
100ml double cream [or you can use milk if you don't have cream]
4oz grated chedder cheese
Heat butter in a large pan. Add the onion and garlic and cook until soft and clear. Whilst the onion and garlic are cooking, chop the cauliflower as fine as possible. Add the cauliflower to the pan and stir well. Add the boiling water with the stock cubes. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes stirring regularly. Add the mustard and cheese. Season to taste. Add cream [or milk] and then blend in a liquidiser or by using a hand blender.
Serve and enjoy!
Hope you like it! It's one of my favourites.
Peanut and Celery Soup
Peanut and Celery Soup
2oz butter
2 medium onion
2 medium sized potatoes
1 whole celery [approx 8 sticks]
2 pint of vegetable stock
1 pint milk
8oz peanuts [washed to remove as much salt as possible]
black pepper
Melt the butter and cook the onion for about 5 minutes until soft. Chop the potatoes up and add to the pan and fry for 5 more minutes. Then stir in chopped celery [I normally chop it at an angle as it's supposed to allow more surface area for flavour to get out] and cook for another 5 minutes. Stir in the stock and bring to boil. Then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Add the milk and peanuts. Bring the soup to boil and then remove from the heat and liquidise until smooth.
Season to taste with pepper, serve and enjoy!Last edited by eskymo; 20-04-2006, 09:32 PM.
Runner Bean Soup
Runner Bean Soup
I came up with this recipe after having a complete glut of runner beans last year and I didn't know what to do with them all.
250g of runner beans
1 onion
5 carrots
6 medium sized potatoes
3 litres of vegetable stock
Chop up the onion finely and fry in a dollop of butter until soft. chop up the carrots and potatoes and add to the pan and fry for about a minute. Then add 3 litres of vegetable stock and boil until the potatoes are cooked [time depends on how small you've chopped them I guess] - takes about 40 minutes. Blend/liquidise. Add chopped runner beans and a little olive oil and simmer until the beans are cooked.
Season to taste and serve. This is particularly good with crusty bread straight from the oven.
Wensleydale Cheese Soup
Wensleydale Cheese Soup
This is a lovely soup for winter...nice and warming.
2oz butter
1 packet of smoked bacon - approx 6-8 rashers
2 large onions / or 4 small ones
4 carrots
2 cloves of garlic
5 pints of vegetable stock
2 teaspoons of paprika
18oz Wensleydale cheese
Melt the butter and fry the bacon, onions and carrots for about 5 minutes. Add the garlic, and cook for another minute. Then add the stock and the paprika, bring to boil and then cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and cool. Liquidise the soup until smooth and then reheat slowly adding the grated wensleydale cheese whilst stiring well. Season with black pepper - you don't need salt because of the bacon.
Polish Barszcz - Beetroot Soup
This recipe takes time and is a bit long winded and comes in two parts but it's worth it. We Poles eat this on Christmas Eve as part of a 12 course traditional Christmas meal.
First of all you need to make some Kwas which is used to make the soup sour.
450g uncooked beetroot, peeled and sliced
1 litre (1 3/4 pints) water
1 crust of rye bread
[Polish Rye Bread is ideal, but Swedish is fine, never had any luck with German]
Put the beetroot in a large bowl. Boil the water, remove from heat and leave to cool. When it's lukewarm [hand hot] pour it over the beetroot. Add the crust of rye bread and cover the bowl with cling film and leave to 'ferment' in a warm place for 5-6 days. After 5-6 days remove cling film and skim the foam and rye bread from the surface of the liquid and strain the juice into another bowl.
Once you've got the Kwas made you can start on the soup.
25g (1oz) dried mushrooms
1 celeriac, chopped up
1 large carrot, chopped up
1 parsnip, chopped up
1 onion, chopped up
450g (1lb) uncooked beetroot, sliced
1 bay leaf
10 black peppercorns
1 level teaspoon of dill
1 level teaspoon of parsely
1 garlic clove, crushed
pinch of sugar
add to taste:
1 quanity of Kwas
lemon juice [use about one lemon half]
1. Soak the mushrooms in warm water for about 15 minutes. Drain them [reserving the stock for later] Put them in a small saucepan and cover with fresh water and bring to boil. Simmer for approx 20 minutes then set aside to cool.
2. In a large saucepan - add the celeriac, carrot, parsnip, onion, beetroot and cover with water [about pints]. Add the bay leaf and peppercorns and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 1-1 1/2 hours until the the beetroot has softened, I normally half cover the pan with a lid.
3. Strain the mushrooms and mix the new stock with the stock reserved from earlier. We normally use the mushrooms to make small dumplings called 'uszka' to go into the soup.
4. Once the vegetables have cooked - strain the stock from the vegetables and mix with the mushrooms stock and put back into the large pan.I normally chuck the veggies onto the compost bin or feed them to the worms.
5. Add the Kwas and stir throughly - from this point on do NOT let the soup boil as the sour flavour will disappear.
6. Chop the dill and parsley and sprinkle into the soup. Add the sugar and garlic and add a little lemon juice. Taste the soup and continue to add lemon juice until it has the right 'bite'.
7. Heat the soup to boiling point, remove from heat and serve.
Eskymo, what great recipes. Can't wait to try them. If you have any more please post. So kind of you.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Carrot and mint soup
Carrot and mint soup
I found this recipe the other day and not made it yet, but might try it over the w/e as it's sounds rather refreshing.
Dollop of butter
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
450g carrots
1 teaspoon fennel seeds, cruched
1 litre vegetable stock
grated zest and juice of an orange
2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
Heat the butter and fry the onion and garlic for a minute. Add chopped carrots and crushed fennel seeds and cook for a further 5 minutes. Pour in the stock and bring to the boil. Season and then cover and cook for 10-15 minutes until the carrots are tender. Stir in the orange juice and zest. Liquidise until smooth then add the chopped mint and stir this in. Then serve.
Pumpkin and Ginger Soup
Pumpkin and Ginger Soup
You need a large pan for this one!
2 medium onions
5 inch piece of ginger - finely chopped
5 tablespoons of olive oil
2 medium pumpkins or 4 butternut squashes [about 3lbs after peeling and de-seeding]
2 1/2 pints vegetable stock
salt and pepper
6 tablespoons double cream
fresh coriander
Fry the onions and ginger in the olive oil for about 10 minutes - stirring constantly so as not to burn the onion. Add the chopped pumpkin or squash and stir to coat with oil for about another minute. Add the vegetable stock and bring to boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, uncovered for about 15 minutes until the pumpkin or squash is tender. Liquidise then stir in the double cream and season with salt and pepper and then serve with a sprinkle of chopped coriander.
Great recipies eskymo heres my version of french onion, its a bit of pain to make but it is my absolute favorite.
Get some beef bones from the butcher brown them in a very hot oven for about 15 mins. Combine with a carrot, couple sticks of celery, 2 leeks and a bunch of fresh thyme, salt and some fennel seeds. Put in a stock pot, cover and simmer on a very low temp or in a low oven for at least 2 hours more if possible. strain the stock, then reduce the volume by simmering uncovered until the volume is reduced by approximetly half.
Chop 4 large onions into rings and finely chop 8 shallots, caramelise(fry on a medium heat allow to colour without burning) in the same pan. Deglaze the pan with some sherry or marsala making sure you get all the onion juices out of the pan. Add the caramalized onions, shallots and the pan juices to the simmering stock, reduce heat to minimum and allow to combine for about 10 mins. meanwhile grate some gryuer or parmesan cheese. season and serve the finished soup straight away with a generous handfull of cheese and fresh bread.
You can cheat by using a stock cube but taking the time to do it properly raises it from something nice to something sublime.I've made this several times for dinner guests and its allways been the dish complimented.
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