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Gherkin recipes


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  • Gherkin recipes

    Hi all, it's very exciting times over here, my first little Paris pickling cucumbers are growing away on the plant. My question is what next as I've never grown these before.
    I know I need to salt them for 24hr before pickling but having looked around all over the place I've found so many different pickling recipes that I'm now lost.
    Has anyone got a tried and tested recipe they're happy to share? Also any ideas on how long they'll last once the jars are opened would be great thanks

  • #2
    I have none which are tried and tested - I have been doing one jar full with each recipe I have, so that by next year I should know which I like best


    • #3
      Am growing gherkins for the first time too so will watch this with interest. So far haven�t tried pickling them but working up to having a go this weekend.


      • #4
        This is the one I use...

        Lovely on bagels with bacon and cream cheese......

        5 cucumbers
        1kg onions, halved
        About 80g sea salt (or cooking salt)
        500ml distilled malt vinegar
        350g granulated sugar (or soft brown)
        4 tsp mustard seeds
        Generous � tsp ground cloves (or use a few whole cloves instead)
        Generous � tsp ground turmeric

        Slice the cucumbers and onions very thinly (a mandolin is ideal for this). Layer them in a bowl, sprinkling with the sea salt as you go, then weigh them down with a plate and leave for a few hours or overnight. Drain off the liquid, rinse the vegetables well and drain in a colander.
        Combine the vinegar, sugar, mustard seeds, cloves and turmeric in a pan and bring slowly to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
        Add the well-drained cucumber and onion mixture and bring back to the boil for 1 minute. Transfer the mixture to sterilised jars, using a slotted spoon.
        Bring the liquid back to the boil and simmer until slightly reduced for about 15 minutes, then divide it between the jars, filling to the brim. Put on the lids and label. The pickle will keep for several months.
        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

        ...utterly nutterly


        • #5
          Thanks trip


          • #6
            So thought i was waiting for lots of tiny cukes that had set to grow a little before picking them quite small to pickle whole, was just at the patch lifting the last of the early potatoes and spotted this

            Click image for larger version

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            Question is do I slice it lengthways (maybe in to long quarters) and pickle or seeing as it's bigger than planned try it in salad instead.


            • #7
              My recipe book says slice into lenghthways wedges and take out the seeds. Have only just made my first batch, so will be a few months before I will know if it worked!


              • #8
                Up to yourself to be honest
                Can slice it both ways and still pickle it..
                Or maybe you have eaten it by now..
                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                ...utterly nutterly


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