Last year we put in a log burner. I'm very pleased with it. Made within a mile of my house and many people who visit bothy's in Scotland will have used one.
A year on and I'm looking for firewood for next year. I was thinking of doing a bit of Wood Scavenging - Forestry Commission Scotland land, but have no idea what I might be letting myself into. I understand you can get a license for £50.00 for 3 months and that you can use "hand tools".
Anyone got experience of Savaging and got any tips. Is a Chain Saw a hand tool?
Advice please - even if it is don't do it - Back breaking work
A year on and I'm looking for firewood for next year. I was thinking of doing a bit of Wood Scavenging - Forestry Commission Scotland land, but have no idea what I might be letting myself into. I understand you can get a license for £50.00 for 3 months and that you can use "hand tools".
Anyone got experience of Savaging and got any tips. Is a Chain Saw a hand tool?
Advice please - even if it is don't do it - Back breaking work