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"Discover retirement living to the full..."


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  • "Discover retirement living to the full..."

    A recent post on GYO commented that once you hit 60 (or 50 even) you begin to get daily posts offering walking sticks, support socks, chair lifts , no dig burials etc�. Today�s is a good one, �stunning retirement apartments exclusively for the over 60s where you can give up those jobs you don�t want to do like gardening and cleaning windows�. Tempting or what?

  • #2
    Life without gardening doesn't bear thinking about
    Easier just to get a window cleaner and stay where I am, thanks very much for the offer though


    • #3
      Its easier still to leave the windows dirty, then you don't need curtains, which saves on the effort of drawing/undrawing them and taking them down to wash and then rehang.


      • #4
        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Its easier still to leave the windows dirty, then you don't need curtains, which saves on the effort of drawing/undrawing them and taking them down to wash and then rehang.
        I knew this already but I ain't posting a picture.


        • #5
          it's obviously a cunning ruse to explain why there are no gardens in these places.

          But it has to be said, who wouldn't fancy being one of the great historical gardeners (ie posh bloke/lady who tells local labourers where to put things)?

          I could quite like the idea of "tending" my allotment from the comfort of a hammock, with g&t in hand, directing others to do all the heavy lifting...


          • #6
            Ah - but you forgot all about your funeral plans which you can get without even a medical and it only costs �* per week and the pay-out is guaranteed (? as in don't be a numpty and read the small print), planning for your beloved pet when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil, the tempting leaflets you get in your TV mag which offers such benefits as a walk-in shower erected in only one day, shoes you wouldn't be seen dead in, hearing aids that will transform your life, plastic bibs in case you spill any of your G and T's, and other delightful things that make you want you to barf! Need I say more?
            I work very hard so please don't expect me to think as well!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Miss Mousetrousers View Post
              Ah - but you forgot all about your funeral plans which you can get without even a medical and it only costs �* per week and the pay-out is guaranteed (? as in don't be a numpty and read the small print), planning for your beloved pet when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil, the tempting leaflets you get in your TV mag which offers such benefits as a walk-in shower erected in only one day, shoes you wouldn't be seen dead in, hearing aids that will transform your life, plastic bibs in case you spill any of your G and T's, and other delightful things that make you want you to barf! Need I say more?
              Have we met, you seem to know me so well!


              • #8
                VC and I have a way to go yet before we start getting this type of mail!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                  VC and I have a way to go yet before we start getting this type of mail!!


                  • #10
                    Is Irony another of the services they offer to old folk - to get rid of their wrinkles perhaps?
                    You seem to know a lot about it, robbra, so I must assume you're about the same age as rary.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Miss Mousetrousers View Post
                      Ah - but you forgot all about hearing aids that will transform your life,
                      I'm in favour of that it would save a number of rows in our house

                      Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                      VC and I have a way to go yet before we start getting this type of mail
                      Taking the average age of the two of you, you would have been getting them for some time, but I don't think you would be getting any on your own

                      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                      Is Irony another of the services they offer to old folk - to get rid of their wrinkles perhaps?
                      You seem to know a lot about it, robbra, so I must assume you're about the same age as rary
                      Yes he must be looking to the future and thinking of what's in front of him
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by robbra View Post
                        I knew this already but I ain't posting a picture.
                        You need light to take pictures.

                        Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
                        VC and I have a way to go yet before we start getting this type of mail!!
                        You still picking the mail up from the post office then? You know that they can deliver it now?
                        Last edited by Jay-ell; 04-09-2018, 10:58 PM.

                        New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                        �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                        ― Thomas A. Edison

                        �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                        ― Thomas A. Edison

                        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by robbra View Post
                          Is lost on me!!


                          • #14
                            I don't know where my irony board is either.


                            • #15
                              I don't know how old rary is, maybe 40ish?.
                              I think this should be made a sticky as a warning for us youngsters.


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