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Job Vacancy for The Gardeners Rest


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  • #91
    Looks like we've found the GR Cook Sounds delicious, Bill.

    Of course I'll bring the table and chairs but don't expect me to lay it as I can only manage eggs - even on a good day


    • #92
      Smoked Mackerel - Yuck!

      Pork loin at Christmas, No No No It has to be Turkey and a Beef Joint
      . .......Man Vs Slug
      Click Here for my Diary and Blog
      Nutters Club Member


      • #93
        Originally posted by rary View Post
        NO Tardis, and NO food synthesiser
        What do you mean no Tardis? VC has her Advanced License so don�t be such a funny buddy.
        I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

        Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


        • #94
          You're so ungrateful, Cad. You're also very traditional and unadventurous.

          I feel like Mystic Chicken, reading your would have been easier if you'd taken your steel gauntlets off first but I guess they're useful for pruning roses.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Bill Door View Post
            Look I can't quite see how all this links together so I am going to suggest that I bring in the food. Forget veggie and forget the chicken. How about this for a three course meal

            1) Honeyed smoked Mackerel with cream cheese and chives, served with toasted bread, mixed salad and lemon juice.

            2) Pork loin (flattened) in a prune and cream sauce (prunes soaked in armagnac). Roasted sprouts with shallots and Tamarind sauce with buttered new potatoes.

            3) Bread and butter pudding (to include Whisky soaked saltanas, white chocolate, croisants and homemade vanilla custard).

            Finished with filter coffee and light biscuits.

            The only things are that everyone has to bring their own equipment and must be seated 20 minutes before serving and Lumpy has to supply the potatoes. VC is expected to produce the table and chairs

            No crackers allowed and no scraps to be given to anything not seated at the table.

            Will we be eating the same thing every day? Or is this only for the big day? If so, will there be any bar snacks?


            • #96
              Bill - you are about to get swamped with orders. More worryingly Tulullah has started drooling in your direction.
              Please take no notice of Cad as he only eats things that oil his movable bits.
              So, Bill the job on offer is - GR Chef
              No pay, no set hours, Tulullah drool and a full round of applause from the rest of us.
              What do you think?
              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


              • #97
                Originally posted by rary View Post
                Can I valun- volin, can I be the cook can I
                Give us a sample menu, Rary.


                • #98
                  Don't ask him to make vol au vents


                  • #99
                    That sounds deilish Bill I’ll provide some pre meal sloe sherry to ramp up you’re appetites!! If VC would kindly take me in her Tardis?


                    • Where would you like to go Chrissy?

                      The world is your whelk.


                      • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                        Give us a sample menu, Rary.
                        Beans on toast, beans on toast topped with fried egg, beans on toast with a tomato sauce dressing, beans on toast with brown sauce dressing, beans on toast topped with cheese, beans on toast topped with cheese with a tomato sauce dressing, beans on toast topped with cheese with a brown sauce dressing and of course for those who don't like fancy food, they can have beans or toast. As you can see it is quite a large menu, but I think people need to have the opportunity to pick what they want
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • You missed beans on brown bread toast wivva poached egg on top (for those on a diet) with lashings of Worcester Sauce.
                          "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
                          "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


                          • What sort of beans, rary?


                            • Bill...........can I make a suggestion as I really think some of us need a bit of refinement.
                              VC has a time and space machine (the Tardis) so can you create a mind blowing menu of the weird and wonderful so we don’t have to have beans or mackerel.

                              My suggestion for starters would be -
                              Soft boiled T-Rex egg with a Beetlejuice salad and crispy seaweed rashers.
                              Don’t it show I know nothing about fine dining.
                              I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                              Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                              • Hello Christie. Welcome to the cradle of organised chaos.
                                Of course VC can pick you or anyone else up (the GR has as many beautiful en suits as needed) as she will be back before she left - I think.
                                Spacial dynamics are not my strong point.
                                Last edited by Lumpy; 13-11-2018, 07:14 PM.
                                I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                                Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


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