Everywhere I've looked for the past few days its about "Black Friday" (BF). Emails, the news, computer, junk mail, wherever they can squeeze in a mention of BF they're doing so. There'll be people squabbling in stores, snapping up things they don't want or need because they're reduced, even spending money they don't have - they are the BFs in my view.
Its made me think about all the Special offers in the Shop at the end of the garden. For the price of a few packets of seeds I can pick enough vegetables to dine on all year round - or a bouquet of flowers - or a bowl of fruit.
For even more of a bargain, if I let a plant go to seed, I can swap those seeds in one of the Seed Circles or the VSP on the Vine - that's a 100% discount.
Or take some cuttings and grow extra plants to fill the garden, swap or bring pleasure into someone else's life.
It may be cold and wet in the garden today but I'd rather be there than being elbowed aside in a packed store. Where's the fun in that?

Its made me think about all the Special offers in the Shop at the end of the garden. For the price of a few packets of seeds I can pick enough vegetables to dine on all year round - or a bouquet of flowers - or a bowl of fruit.
For even more of a bargain, if I let a plant go to seed, I can swap those seeds in one of the Seed Circles or the VSP on the Vine - that's a 100% discount.
Or take some cuttings and grow extra plants to fill the garden, swap or bring pleasure into someone else's life.
It may be cold and wet in the garden today but I'd rather be there than being elbowed aside in a packed store. Where's the fun in that?