There have been a lot of changes in my short life, some that I welcome, Health and Hospital care as an example but some things I would happily change back, for example I was what you might call a latch key child, my mother went out to work before I got home from school, but the key was just through the letter box hanging on a string, my mother didn't need to worry about me as she knew the neighbors kept an eye on me, or possibly it was just coincidence one of them was there when I did something wrong and ofcourse at this time of year there was not the demands on folk that there is now, Christmas started two weeks or so before the 25th. and there wasn't the pressures to spend more than you could afford, and Christmas day was a normal working day here in Scotland so again the pressure was less to have lots of food though it was a special dinner like having chicken or even a goose if you were lucky, people were more considerate and better mannered and you didn't have 24hr. television therefore people talked more with one another
as you may have guessed I am sitting here as its too dark, cold and wet to be out in the garden, with nothing to watch on the telly, and impatient for spring
as you may have guessed I am sitting here as its too dark, cold and wet to be out in the garden, with nothing to watch on the telly, and impatient for spring