good evening, its been a cold wet day today, had to go up to our daughters for 8 this morning, and our oldest grandson was in bed ill, had to leave him for a short time as i was taking the younger ones to school, once back in was sitting reading when granddaughter phoned to say she was coming home from work as she was ill, so as she was in i collected OH so that we could nip to the shops for some messages as we had been away for the weekend and needed milk, bread etc. and OH thinks its a waste of time me going by myself as all i get is whats on the message line
once back home i made the tea then was out in the garden once the rain went off, i have slipped up by telling OH that there is a group coming to the garden in August, and all i get now is "that garden better be tidy for them visiting" bad mistake
i should have waited till the week before, its going to be a long 3 months, ah well enjoy yourselves and keep a smile handy, remember that glum young man you pass could be me
