Originally posted by Thelma Sanders
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Morning all. Bit of a game-changing moment yesterday. Have decided to only use about a third of my total veg patch area. Just not enough water again. If it rains between now and July, I'll review matters and put some winter veg in. We've been forecast a bit of rain on Friday, but not much. Shame about the decision, but at least I'm doing some rather than none.
Have a jolly day, everyone.
Mornin n'alln'all
Another frosty start.
Looks like it's going to be another great day in the garden.
My arms are still stinging from yesterday's nettles. I'm trying to remove a large area of nettles growing amongst my raspberry canes.
Sorry to hear about your decision Snoop, but it does sound logical. There are too few hours in the day to be spending most of it watering veggies
I'm off to the uk on Sunday for 10 days so I'll do a bit of packing u til it warm up enough to go outside.
Yeh...I'm becoming more of a fair weather gardener these days given the choice!
Many years ago It made no difference at all....
Right...first things first. Breakfast.
See ya later peeps!"Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple
Location....Normandy France
Bright and sunny this morning, and not so cold last night, plus the nagging easterly has dropped and I hope it stays that way
Council plot inspections Tuesday next week, so need to tidy up a bit more, while the weather allowsWe seem to have more uncultivated plots than usual this year, has the spring really been that awful, that peeps couldn't make a start before now? Oh well! Letters will be sent
Have a good'un
Good morning all.
Another lovely su NY morning
Going to pot on my tomatoes today among other jobs.
Have a good day all..
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Afternoon all, hope you are all well. Weather is fabulous. Have had a couple of great weekends in South Ayrshire, went to Culzean Castle which is absolutely beautiful. Had a walk round their walled garden where they were growing, among many other things, raspberries. They have taken all the leaves off the bottom of the stem and only left the top...I would say the stems are about 4/5 feet tall. Is this how you are supposed to grow raspberries? If it is then it's no wonder mine are not doing so well now.
Anyhoo, life here has had a lot of ups and downs...mostly downs lately hence the reason I've not been popping in so much but I'm off to have a catch up.
Hope you all have a great day...enjoy the glorious weather!sigpic
Morning, FF. Morning, all.
Bright again here. So off out in a bit to do some more gardening. Loving the new work regime, though for some reason I've got even more work offered than normal so am having to turn it down... Never like doing that in case clients never come back. But there we go, I can't have time and money, just one or the other. And time feels more important nowadays.
Plus, got to make the most of the weather. Due to be cloudy tomorrow. Possibly even rain. Fingers crossed. Though the forecast says not much, but anything that makes weeding easier will be welcome.
Have a good one, everyone.
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