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Chatback #17


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  • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
    It's really sensible advice. My brother refuses to make one on the grounds of expense. He has three kids and is about to remarry. It'll be far more expensive for them to sort it out than for him to put down in writing what he wants to happen beforehand. And there will be fewer arguments.

    That said, sorry if it has come up for you because of something awful.
    He actually needs to make a new will after he remarries as marriage negates any previous wills.
    "I prefer rogues to imbeciles as they sometimes take a rest" (Alexander Dumas)
    "It is neccessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live" (also Alexandre Dumas)


    • ^Thanks, Janie. He has no will whatsoever. Unbelievable really, for someone who thinks he's so careful about money.


      • Good evening, a bit of a lazy day for me today went to the church coffee morning then once back home done a bit of weeding before going to get the boy's from school after that I had to cut some edging stone for my SiL as he wants to put two cars into the driveway, then once back home I made up a couple of hanging baskets,now going to watch a bit of Chelsea, enjoy your day tomorrow and smile. Goodnight
        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


        • Morning another sunny day here I can get used to this
          Location....East Midlands.


          • : It's raining! Not due to rain much, but anything is better than nothing.

            No gardening for me today, which is a shame as we'd started to put up the fence. Going up a bit quicker than we expected. Looks ugly so will try and find some drought resistant climbing flowers to make it a bit less awful. But it'll keep the animals out.

            Have a good day, everyone.


            • Morning All

              Very muggy this morning so hopefully rain is on the way, never happy us gardeners

              Trip to the bank then over the plots is the order of the day....have a super Friday


              • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Lots to avoid doing so must get on Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Mornings!
                  It's taken nearly all morning to load & install flipping Windows updates. Dunno why it can't do them when you're not trying to use the laptop. It seems to wait and then sneak up on you

                  Meanwhile, I've been sorting out which dahlias to plant in the garden and which to move to the allotment. Decisions, decisions

                  I hope you all have a nice sunshiny day, like here - have a good'un


                  • ^Which Windows are you using, TS? In Windows 10, you can change your 'active hours' in your Windows update settings, for example.


                    • Morning all, another fine day but of course it's a holiday weekend so there has to be rain tomorrow!!
                      Not sure what's happening today, I'm kind of in that mood of everything needs to be done but I don't know where to start! Oh I know I'll start with a coffee.
                      If I don't manage to pop in again until next week, have a great weekend, rain or not.


                      • Good evening a dry but cold morning this morning we headed to a GC to use a voucher I had received for my birthday and intended picking up some wallflower seed but finished up with polyanthus and primroses instead, my OH had picked up some stuff and as she had pocketed a �1 coin that I had used for a shopping trolly at a previous store she offered to pay, she wasn't too chuffed when she found out it was over �7 for two packets of seeds, now I am wondering if I should chance asking her for the �1 coin possibly not better letting sleeping dogs lie we are watching the boys tonight as their mum and dad are out for a meal tonight, well enjoy your weekend whatever the weather and pass on a smile. Goodnight
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • 27 litres/mm per square metre! Not really enough to make a difference to the underground water supply, but enough to bring a smile to my face. Just as well I love my nejiri hoe and hori-hori, as the weed seeds will be going gangbusters (again).

                          A bit more fencing work on the cards today. Should be a bit easier to get the stakes in after the rain. Mr Snoop currently fortifying himself for the task ahead with digestive biscuits and a coffee.

                          Have a good day, everyone.
                          Last edited by Snoop Puss; 25-05-2019, 09:31 AM.


                          • Good morning,

                            Sun is shinning here. Off to the allotment in a bit after I've been post office and been shopping for MIL. Can't wait to get on the plot. Not been on in over a week.

                            Have a good day


                            • ^Hi Carrie. Was thinking about you the other day and wondering how the job was going. Hope it's good. Have fun at the plot.


                              • Good Morning All Sunny again. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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