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  • ^Good to hear you're nice and warm indoors. Makes going out a more reasonable prospect when you can be sure of being comfy when you get back in.

    News here is good. Been looking at houses in the village recently for when we're too old and crocked to stay where we are. Have eventually agreed a price with the owner of the first one we saw. Absolutely tiny, but within our budget and perfectly located. So, there will be a sunny window available for a propagator next spring! (Got my priorities right )

    Bright and blue again, so night-time temps are likely to drop.

    Oh, and Mr Snoop has just brought me a lovely frothy coffee. What a good start to the day.

    Hope you all have a jolly Thursday.

    P.S. Well done on the tunnel, LD. Hope it gives you lots of fun. Added here seeing as there's no chatting on the other thread.


    • Mornings,
      A bit colder last night, just made it down to 0C, up to 2C now (with a feels like of -0.5C) Molly thinks the door should be open, she's got another think coming...
      Wash m/c on, hoping that, even though it's cold, the wind will dry the sheets enough to go on the airers later. Then make a start on the ironing
      Allotment meeting this afternoon..

      Have a good'un.


      • Good morning everyone, it’s cold out there.
        Day off today, toasty warm indoors, I’m not going out today
        Went out for a friends birthday meal last night, going to have to starve myself today lol
        Have a good day folks
        Nannys make memories


        • Just had a cooked breakfast of poached eggs, mushroom and spinach. That'll keep me going until this evening (hopefully!)
          Absolutely delish!

          Snoop!, that was quick! Well done!
          Are you going to keep both places going for now then?

          Weatherwise...I read central Europe is in for massive snow dumping in the next few days.
          * wonders if we'll get a tad here?
          I can feel a snow creation thread coming on if so

          ** wonders what Pen is going to predict....
          Last edited by Nicos; 10-01-2019, 09:45 AM.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • Morning your breakfast sound good Nicos poached eggs go with just about anything. I'm baking today so i'd better get the flour and yeast out.
            Stay warm
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Sposed to be an Arctic blast for the UK from about the 20th, according to recent weather models, but too far ahead to nail down yet. Next 10 days should turn mildish, though, so maybe a calm before the storm thing going on? We'll see......


              • A late good morning from me, was busy and forgot to pop in.
                No cold weather here, its dull and grey and its 9 degs.
                Lots of bits and Bob's to do today mostly do estic.
                Have a good day all.

                And when your back stops aching,
                And your hands begin to harden.
                You will find yourself a partner,
                In the glory of the garden.

                Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                  Snoop!, that was quick! Well done!
                  Are you going to keep both places going for now then?
                  Not sure if it was quick. We saw it quite some time ago but couldn't agree on a price. As they can't sell it at what they're asking for it, they have agreed to our offer. It's really small, so not suitable for most people. But it'll be OK for an elderly couple. Because it's so tiny, it'll be cheap to do up and cheap to run in the meantime.

                  And yes, we'll keep both places. The idea is to stay where we are as long as possible, but we're not getting any younger and it will eventually become very difficult for us to stay here. Any health or mobility problems and we'd be scuppered.

                  So, that's a decision made. Always good to get those out of the way.


                  • Afternoon All Had no Internet for a while so couldn't pop in as usual this morning. Engineer has been today so should be ok when I get home. Well done Snoop on the retirement home Of no relevance whatsoever, but I hit myself in the eye with the hairbrush this morning - it's very sore
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • afternoon all,wow snoop,thinking ahead is good,give you a free space to get is how you want in the meantime,are you still going to garden this year or .
                      new chicken coop came this morning,so might get my fairy to help me put it together tomoz,seems my shoulder is playing silly blighters again just as am feeling like spring has sprung,ref snow,some have got it bad,hope we do not get like that,or it WILL be lock down,have a good evening and Bgood2yrselves
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • ^Oh yes, I'm gardening big-time this year. And really looking forward to it.

                        Mr Snoop has already promised I can have another freezer in the other place for gluts! He knows where my priorities lie this year.


                        • Evening all. Been a busy puppy today doing things at home. First of all, washed down the walls of our back porch. We always seem to have problems in there with black mould on the walls so a stitch in time exercise. Whilst in there I took the face the light switch to try to suss out my next project - installing new led floodlights at the back of the house. Couldn't figure it out so phoned my little brother, now a retired electrician for guidance. Bottom line is that he and his wife are coming through tomorrow to do the technical bits . That set me off crawling about in the eves of the house up in the loft laying the cables and getting them through the walls in preparation. I am now thoroughly knac.........ermhh very tired.


                          • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Have a good day
                            Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                            • Good Morning People, still dark out there at the moment I have a run to the doctors to make and then an inspection at 10:00 home to feed and water the good lady wife and then do I do the accounts or if it remains dry do I go and paint the rest of the timber joist that I have cut for the new beds. Decisions, Decisions, it will depend on how mobile my little triffid is today, her meds get knocked back Saturday so its going to be a rough week next week so I'm thinking Allotment wins and I can do the accounts next week when I'm house bound.

                              Got the figures back from the Allotment Management company idverde yesterday the amount of Vacant Plots in the Borough that have people waiting for them on the Waiting List renewals are in Oct reminder invoice Dec Notice to Quit Jan so one expects a slight rise this time of year but the general trend is not good.

                              Plots that have people waiting to view

                              138 - Oct 2017
                              176 - Feb 2018
                              184 - Sept 2018
                              248 - Jan 2019

                              Have a great day whatever you end up doing
                              . .......Man Vs Slug
                              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
                              Nutters Club Member


                              • Mornin n'alln'all
                                Cat minding is going well. They are staring to recognise I am the 'designated keeper of the Food'
                                Cats are fickle aren't they
                                Ah well...I'm enjoying their flattery!

                                Paperwork for me today...still lots to get sorted, then maybe start thinking about packing for next week.
                                Quite mild today -be nice just to grab 30 mins in the garden, heck it's looking like it needs it

                                See ya later peeps...nearly weekend!
                                Last edited by Nicos; 11-01-2019, 09:28 AM.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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