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Chatback #17


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  • Originally posted by rary View Post
    Good afternoon, warm but cloudy today when watering the greenhouse the s morning I decided to blast the tomato plants with water to see if I can get rid of the plague of whitefly and greenfly
    Rary, next year try growing french marigolds around your tomato plants. Guaranteed to keep white fly and aphids away


    • Evening all, a very warm humid day here. Attended yet another funeral today, my uncle and the 4th since March, think we have had our fair share for a while don’t you?!
      Anyhoo very tired, it’s been a long day so will say goodnight, hope you all had a good day.


      • Morning, think this is the earliest I’ve been on here! Think I’ve managed to bag the best dress?!
        I’m sooo tired I can’t sleep, strange that isn’t it? Anyhoo will pop in later and see what’s what!


        • Good Morning All and Jay Dull again here and still warm. Have a good day
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Mornin n'alln'all
            Wow look stunning this morning -nice choice of clothing
            Ermmmm.....don't forget to take off that night cap though before you go out!

            I too had a great day yesterday. I wanted to nip to Falaise (our local town where William the Conquerer was born) as there is an amazing discount store there called Noz.
            On the way home we bought a replacement picnic table for one of our gites, so will need to assemble that today....then popped in on some friends to invite them to an impromptu BBQ.
            Finished the evening sipping wine around our firepit....Perfek
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Mornings!
              Very strange weather this morning after yesterday's heat and humidity. It's overcast and breezy and 16C - it actually feels cold.
              Managed to let 2 of the 3 vacant plots, yesterday - fingers crossed they keep at it and not give up after a little while. Everyone seems to expect instant results thanks to all the TV gardening shows.

              Indoors is a tip, tbh, so think domestics really must come top of the list today *blush*

              Have a good'un
              Last edited by Thelma Sanders; 26-06-2019, 08:31 AM.


              • Hot and windy outside, but maybe 22 �C in my summer 'office', where I'll be stuck for the day. Mind you, better in here than anywhere else. Might even need to find a cardie!

                Sorry to hear about all the funerals you've had to attend, Jay. Hope you manage to get a nap later to recharge your batteries.

                Have a good day, everyone.


                • Good morning all.
                  A breezy morning but its dry.
                  No idea what's on the cards today.
                  Hubby is out meeting a long time friend so the day is mine.
                  I'm sure something will show itself to fill the day.
                  Plenty to do but I am being picky.
                  Have a good day all,

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • Good afternoon, I have had a busy day today, took the dog for a walk then OH and I had to see to bit of business, then down to Kilmarnock to pick up a kilt for one of the boy's, we had our lunch at a GC there, just finished when we got a phone call from school, our youngest grandson suffers from hay fever and he was quite bad could we bring in some medication for him, so it was home to pick up the medicine then up to the school to give it to him, then down to the docs. for a prescription for him then the chemists for the medication, oh and in between go to the builders and place an order for my boy so that he can get some work done n it he garden when he is off, after all I have plenty of time to do what I want in the garden. Now I am sitting at my daughter's with her boys waiting to go to our sons till they come home, when I read that its possibly the rant thread I should be on. No matter its a nice day so smile
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Jay sorry about all the funerals you have had to attend, sadly life's like that, but be grateful you are not the main attraction
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Originally posted by rary View Post
                        Trip a victory always equates to a celibration
                        But! I take it your son and daughter are young and receiving pocket money, if so be sure to give them their pocket money before going to any game then if they win you then tell them you are so pleased with their football skills and think they deserve to have some ice cream, then you pat your pockets and state, "oh sorry I gave the last of my money earlier," this should produce either a "that's OK, we won't bother" or "that's OK come on and I/we will buy you one" do not use this procedure too often as children aren't as gulable as someone standing at a bar also it is unlikely that they will win every game, and remember if one wins and the other loses, it wouldn't be nice to buy just for the one and the ice cream for a celibration it wouldn't tast the same to someone who lost
                        Thanks Rary...such wisdom from one so young
                        I don't know how you do it
                        I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                        ...utterly nutterly


                        • Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                          Thanks Rary...such wisdom from one so young
                          I don't know how you do it
                          It's a gift that I have Trip, a gift!!
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • It would have to be a gift as you don't pay for anything!!


                            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              It would have to be a gift as you don't pay for anything!!
                              Burn.... so cruel..
                              I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                              ...utterly nutterly


                              • Some Garden pics

                                Mentioned in a previous post that I am doing some bits and pieces on replacing bed borders and some other stuff like sizes etc
                                Still a work in progress but my slight remodeling is coming along well...will hold off doing some of the outstanding work until certain crops are harvested.
                                Happy with the way it's looking so far..
                                Attached Files
                                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                                ...utterly nutterly


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