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  • Originally posted by bramble View Post
    Rary, I just use net curtain to shade the greenhouse.
    I have it on a curtain wire and just clip it on when its needed.,
    Thanks for that tip bramble, I am now wondering if OH would miss the net curtains that she has sitting in a drawer, garunteed as soon as I use them she will be looking for them,
    The again if she doesn't see me take them she might think she has thrown them out
    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


    • 65 years old and still stupid enough to get sunburned today! I've been busy all day without a shirt on making some decking around my shed. Not decking boards (too expensive) just some heavy duty floorboards I scrounged to cut up for firewood and decided I had another use for them. Of course I couldn't stop at just decking I had to have steps and a balustrade around it, along with a ramp at one end to make it easier to get lawnmower into shed
      The sun was to my left side for most of the day so now I have a bright red left shoulder and a nicely browned right shoulder.

      Next time I work on it I will just have to make sure I face the opposite direction.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Morning everyone, a beautiful sunny start to the day
        I am working all day today, so will have no sunburn problems.
        Went to Windsor yesterday and had a lovely time, even saw the changing of the guard when we first got there.
        Went to the Lakeland shop and picked up a few bits
        Anyway, back to today, keep cool peeps and well hydrated
        Nannys make memories


        • Good Morning everyone. Looking forward to the weekend as I hope you all are too, i've not got a lot to do in the garden at present so a nice easy few days.

          Enjoy !


          • Mornin Saln'all
            Already hot here...going to hit at least 38C...go on Snoop..
            What have they forescast for you today?
            We've been several degree hotter each day than forecst!

            Mrs Mop day for me no choice.

            Keep cool everyone. And for those of you who work....for most of you at least the hot weather is here over the weekend for a change

            See ya later peeps.
            * tootles off to refill bird's like the costa del sol for them out there!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • Good Morning All Hot here too. Grass is being cut again this morning. Have a good day
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Morning all, who stole the sun?!! Dull as dishwater this morning and there is a breeze too.
                Keep safe those who have it and if you have to go out in it make sure to bake both sides...
                Have a great day!


                • Mornings!
                  Scorchio here and we have lost the cooling breeze just when we need it. Plants beginning to wilt so off to do some watering..

                  Have a good'un


                  • Good morning all.
                    Dull here with a little drizzle.
                    Looking after my grandson this afternoon so minimal gardening will be happening today,
                    Have a good day all.

                    And when your back stops aching,
                    And your hands begin to harden.
                    You will find yourself a partner,
                    In the glory of the garden.

                    Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                    • Went into the village this morning to do some shopping and all anybody is talking about is the weather. One man mentioned his tomato plants: lovely they were yesterday morning but dead by the evening despite having a good watering. Mine are about OK because they're not very tall, but the lettuce are flopped out and leathery and the French beans are decidedly crispy looking. Today is very windy as well as hot, which is making it worse.

                      No idea what the temperature is, Nicos. I've just seen a photo on Facebook in a nearby town showing 50 �C. We're forecast 44, but I think it is likely to be more as the people in town told me it was 4 �C higher there than forecast yesterday. There's a man in a combine harvester a few hundred metres away. I presume he must have air conditioning in his cabin, as he couldn't possibly work otherwise. Storms have been forecast in western parts of our region on Monday night, so anyone with a cereal crop is probably worried. Me, I'm worried about lightning bolts!

                      Hope you're all staying safe.


                      • Afternoon all,i am glad we not got the heat some of you have,i have kept inside today,we both had a siester this afternoon,and left the hens to it,free roaming,for some reason they like the patio area,lots of places to go hunting,plus watering holes for them,it seems to cruel NOT to have em out this weather,they do come begging if there is a plate of sumat on the go,without thinking i bent down to see where they were under the waggon,and 1 of em had a nip oh me cheese cake,note to self,beware next time,please stay safe what with heat and rougue fires.
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Had a lovely afternoon.
                          The temp was just 20 degs and no breeze.
                          Walked to the library and back with my grandson in his buggy.
                          Spent the evening amusing him.
                          All gone home now and sitting down having a well earned drink.
                          Enjoy your evening all.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Evening all!!
                            I had arranged to pick up some rescue hens at 1pm but the weather was so hot that the van, transporting them, had to keep stopping to give them water. Finally, I picked them up at 5.
                            My instructions were to bring a sturdy box with letterbox shape slits in the sides at head height for ventilation. I found a suitable box and cut 2 letterbox slits as directed and turned up at the collection point - a semi-detached in the middle of a residential area. In through the side gate, clutching my box and there were all the chooks on the back patio. There had been 90 hens for collection. Not sure how many were left but they seemed to be everywhere. Some feisty ones picking on others, some having a rest in the shade.
                            Which ones do you want?
                            Any, says I, so, quick as a flash, the lady scooped up a chicken and put it in the box, whilst I held the lid shut until 2 more chickens were caught.
                            Within seconds, the chook in the box, pushed her head through the "letterbox" and ripped the side of the box apart, as she made her bid for freedom and ran off to join the others.
                            We patched up the box, with squares of cardboard and sticky tape, making the letterboxes narrower to stop them getting their heads out! Two chooks came home in that box and a 3rd in a "Gnome plant pot box" that just happened to be handy.
                            We made it home without any chooks escaping in the car, thankfully, and they've been stretching their legs in the chicken run this evening.
                            About 10pm, I finally managed to put all 3 chooks and Mrs New-Brown (who is not impressed by these scruffy newbies) into the coop and close the door.
                            I'm hoping that tomorrow they'll feel more settled and not quite so flighty.
                            As you can tell, not much gardening has been done today.


                            • Mornin n'alln'all
                              Cor!...already 10C cooler than this time yesterday.
                              Looks like it's the end of this heatwave for us.
                              Hopefully now I can get some gardening done!

                              Lovely news about your chooks VC
                              Right...kettle's on!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Good morning all,was a muggy night,good news on the chucks VC,more fun and entertainment,once you had some,you need more,my lot was out till almost 10pm last night,a little encouragement was needed,after the first 2 went in,they veing to come out now,but not just yet,yesterday after i posted,they pecking at some jelly substance,on closer inspecting after removing the chair,it was an egg without a yolk,and the empty sack,no shell,i think it was the last 1 to start laying,with her first egg,i got rid off it,so not to start eating their own ho hum,have a good day all,and Bgood2yrselves
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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