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Chatback #17


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  • Morning its going to be cooler here than yesterday so I'm jam making today. Hope your chooks settled in VC and didn't try to escape again.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • Forecast is for 42 �C here today. I thought we were due a lull, but evidently not just yet. The combine harvester has gone. Glad about that, as a sizeable fire elsewhere was caused by one. Hope the baling machine is risk-free.

      Anyway, productive morning so far. Mr Snoop helped me to get water up from the well, so everything has had a jolly good drink. Some of the French beans looked frazzled beyond revival, but we'll see. Just about everything else is surviving quite well.

      Plus, just to report, my hori-hori saved my life today. I was rooting a bit of bindweed out of a potato bed when a huge scolopendra stuck its head up to see who was disturbing its nice cool, damp soil. I don't think they have any predators here, so they're fearless. If I'd had an ordinary trowel, I would have backed off, but the hori-hori is so sharp and long, I decided to deal with it. Didn't fancy it being there when I earth up the potatoes again or dig them up. Not quite St. George and the dragon, but I felt very brave. If you don't like insects, don't look them up. They're horrifying. Advice here is straight off to the health centre if you get a sting.

      That's it for me outdoors for the day. Have a good one, whatever you're up to.


      • Morning down in South Ayrshire this weekend where today it’s normal weather has resumed!! 15 degrees, cloudy, blowing a hoolie (we are at the top of a hill) and rain is forecast from lunchtime on. Guess what, I have no jacket and only t-shirts and cut offs to wear, that will teach me to think summer would hang about for the weekend!!
        Lovely to hear about the chooks, sounds like hard work to me!
        Hope you all have a lovely day, those with the sun, would you like to share?


        • Prevening All Been quite sunny but windy and it's cloudy now. Been baking cakes for my 21-year old to take to work tomorrow. My that's a scarey mega centipede Snoop - you're brave! Enjoy what's left of the weekend
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Good night all.
            It was 20 degs here today but very breezy.
            Been a very busy day.
            Anniversary mass today for my friend who passed away two years ago.
            Afternoon and we were at a party for my grandson who will be one on Thursday.
            Not long home and just checked the greenhouse.
            All seems to be fine and looking forward to a chill out day tomorrow.

            VC, I had a good laugh at the image you painted of the hrn saga.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Evening all, been a busy few days with minimal gardening, just watering and eating salad and strawberries, grass will require cutting at some point. We have been out gadding a lot, what with Balmoral and Perth for the model railway show and taking wildlife pictures between the thunder storms. Hope to get out fishing if fine this week, if not in the old summer house where a new model railway is under construction, so many jobs to do lol.


              • Good Morning All Sticky warm here and cloudy. Have a good day
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Mornin n'alln'all
                  Well Snoop, I went and googled that prehistoric looking centipede Yuk!
                  (Another venenous species (lives in Asia)grows to 20cm and is aquatic too!!! Triple yuk yuk!)
                  Glad we hardly get any form of nasties like that here.

                  Yesterday we managed to get to a couple of Vide greniers. Got 15 Le parfait jam jars for 3� so that should keep me quiet for a while . I can easily get new lids for them and they have strong enough glass to go into a water bath if I want to preserve anything other than jam.
                  Also ended up at the medieval fair which was brill. Had a go at archery...played a few medieval games...saw some brilliant craftwork. Then bought a selection of non medieval cheeses, but they were very unusual. One was flavoured with nettles and the other with loads of chilli . Yum and yum again

                  Loving hearing about the new chooks -always puts a smile on my face

                  Right...ironing whilst it's still cool, then off swimming later. See ya later peeps!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • Morning all. Temps supposed to be lower today (high of 35 �C forecast) but very windy. Not good for firefighters.

                    Sounds like you had a great day yesterday, Nicos. I've always wanted to have a go at archery. Was it fun?

                    Done the once-around the veg patch. Everything looking like it has survived well apart from the beans. With any luck, some of them will recover. Today's big-game hunting was a huge locust. Fortunately, I was up really early today, so it wasn't able to react very quickly.

                    Not much other news. Mr Snoop has gone out with the dogs, but not before giving me earache about taking on too much work. I've got into the habit and can't stop. It's no good. Anyway, I've got plenty to keep me going this week.

                    Have a good one, everyone.


                    • Morning all, dull so far this morning. Domestics for me today with a hoooge ironing to do...yuk! Nicos you seem to like ironing what if...
                      Have a great day everyone!


                      • Good morning all,just nice outside so far,snoop you were very brave,glad you got more jars nicos,always nice to be prepared,got lots to try and catch up on after 2 days off inactivity,washing is defo 1,the garden is wait and see,is it to hot,am i tired and do feel like it,have a good day and Bgood2yrselves.
                        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                        • Morning it sunny with a breeze here, had a wonder around the garden earlier eating strawberries and raspberries must try to take some of them indoors
                          Sounds like you had a good day yesterday Nicos.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Good morning all,
                            The heatwave is over here and we have just had a shower and it's very breezy.
                            Catching up on all the jobs that didnt get done over the weekend
                            Nicos, your day sounded very enjoyable.
                            Well nothing exciting happening so best get on with the show.
                            Have a good day all.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Bren ...I can just imagine you wandering around the garden with a pot of yogurt/cream dipping fresh fruit in it as and when you pick them for your breakfast!

                              Jay, Nah, I hate ironing...but get lots of bedding running 2 gites. Cotton too The only other thing I iron are my OH's work shirts...when he HAS to wear them!

                              Archery was great Snoop. We do already have a target for our field and one bow...but need to buy a second one, and a net for catching the ones which miss the target altogether!!!!!
                              I think yesterday has spurred us into getting them bought!

                              Right...must crack on!
                              Enjoy your day peeps.

                              Oh...and rary....just for you......
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Aww darn, there goes that plan!!


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