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  • Originally posted by 1alexie View Post
    What are your thoughts about this sportdog shock collar, will it be a good product in correcting the excessive barking behavior of my beagle?
    Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
    ^You're unlikely to find much support for such a device on this forum. Regardless of pet welfare views, they're banned in England and steps have been taken to prevent their use in Wales and Scotland. See:

    And if you're not in the above-mentioned countries, I know someone who used one and regretted it afterwards, as it changed the dog's character and not for the better.
    They were banned in Wales in 2010 and their illegal use is punishable by up to 51 weeks imprisonment.
    Whoever invented these collars should be made to wear one for the rest of their lives.
    Please don't even consider using one,


    • Originally posted by 1alexie View Post
      What are your thoughts about this sportdog shock collar, will it be a good product in correcting the excessive barking behavior of my beagle?
      No no no no no no no no and no. Just no.

      I saw Victoria Stilwell deal with a barking dog and have it trained in less than an hour. I'm not saying you will have that kind of success but you do get what you put in. Nothing good ever comes from anxiety, fear or pain which is what these types of collars offer.

      Would you like someone to help you adjust an aspect of your behaviour with patience or a big stick? A dog will not learn respect if trained with a negative method and all you will do is swap one unwanted behaviour with another.

      So, no. And no again (Feel very strongly if you hadn't guessed )

      There are various methods to help train a dog to become quieter, here's a useful (imo) read. Good luck and remember they are not being bad deliberately, barking is their norm, they just need help to learn when it's appropriate and when it's not.


      • Anyway, Hi All! Visitors left and just getting the place back to normal again. Love, love, love to see them but also love to see them go.

        We had 3 good sunny days here then it's back to changeable weather again. I got my first cucumber that I am about to juice along with a few kale leaves and some spinach. I feel so Barbara Good today.

        Been away for days so got lots of catching up to do.

        Have a good one!


        • Hello all!
          Lovely morning, more plot inspections - some of the regulars are going to wonder what's happened when the get letters telling them their plots are too weedy We've gone from a couple of inspections a year to every other month, so the lazy ones can't get away with it anymore.
          Picked loads of berries this morning and stashed them in the freezer for jam making later.

          Pc still being a pain, but finally got here to say hello, enjoy what's left of the day


          • Originally posted by gardening_gal View Post
            Would you like someone to help you adjust an aspect of your behaviour with patience or a big stick?
            Have you met my wife?
            Now I will have to go and hide the empty spray bottles just incase she reads janies post
            it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

            Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


            • Afternoon, popped in this morning but forgot to say hello so I’m back and ‘hello’ all!
              It’s been a funny day weather wise feels warm but it’s dull but bright at the same time,if you know what I mean.
              Anyhoo hope you all have a fab day!

              As for the collar question, I’ll say nothing because if I do I will probably be banned from the forum!


              • Good afternoon, watching the boys today, and been out for a couple of long walks so now trying to relax have been up since 5 this morning as I had sat down for a snooz just before tea time yesterday though it was just over half an hour it was a good sleep so never really settled into a deep sleep overnight, so an early start today, got quite a bit of weeding done then cleaned the gutters and started work on removing my fire chimney I have decided to do away with the fire in the greenhouse as I think it may have contributed to the aphid infestation, have also decided too buy(aagh) a retractable water hose, as rolling up the one I have is getting to be a bit sore on the shoulders, it's a times like that which makes you admire VC, and her being at least twice my age just shows she's a plucky old bird . Right going to do a bit gardening for my son just to keep busy, if is it here doing nothing I will fall asleep
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Good Morning All Warm again here. Baking after work for eldest GG to sell for charity event where she works. Have a good day
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • Morning all,

                    wakened early again . Daylight at 4.00am which makes it almost impossible to get back to sleep once wakened. Chance to catch up on the vine though


                    • Mornin n'alln'all
                      Another lovely start to the day!
                      It's market day , so I want to go and buy some globe artichokes. Maybe some fish for tonight.
                      I managed to sort out one large corner of the spare bedroom yesterday in preparation for my friends arrival on Monday, but need to sort out the rest! It's mostly craft things. At least I can see the bed now

                      Gosh...almost weekend again!

                      Enjoy your day peeps.
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • Morning, all.

                        I'm in a better mood today than I was yesterday: I've declared Armageddon. In other words, I've told clients I'm on holiday for a whole ten days starting Monday. I can't remember when I last had ten days off. Not in the last 17 years at least. Really, it'll only be about seven because I do have work for three of them, but if I tell them that, they'll only send me more.

                        So, I'll get to finish the weeding and get everything ready for winter veg to go in. And I'll have afternoon naps, and I'll get the kitchen properly tidy, and I'll read some books, and I'll bake some cakes, and goodness knows whatever else.

                        Meanwhile, plenty to do. So better get on with it. Have a great day everyone.


                        • Good morning all.
                          Another beautiful sunny day.
                          Going to spend it in the garden.
                          Have a good day all.

                          And when your back stops aching,
                          And your hands begin to harden.
                          You will find yourself a partner,
                          In the glory of the garden.

                          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                          • Mornings!
                            Another lovely day here, just had to water the greenhouses, everything baking in there. I'll worry about the water bill later, although the �61 rebate from Southern Water, cos of their 'serious failure' will turn up sooner or later. Makes me very cross that they charged an arm & a leg for a service they obviously weren't providing, yet paying the board millions
                            Deep breath! moving on - got a parcel to return and some weeding to do this after, nothing too strenuous
                            Have a good'un!


                            • Good day, dull but dry today at my son's just now but will be going up to daughter's shortly (but hope OH makes something to eat before I go up) landed at A&E last night as I got a cut at the base of my ring finger which required 4 stitches, OH had said just wait and go to the docs in the morning but I felt that it needed to be attended to sooner, and glad that I did, after washing my hands and flushing the cut out before going to hospital the nurse still had to spend a fair bit of time cleaning it out and she informed me that your skin will only knit together providing you get it attended to within 6 hrs. which I didn't know, when we arrived at our sons this morning he asked what happened and I said I was up a ladder and stepped back to admire my work, it was like, light blue touch paper, OH started on about not telling her that, I still don't know whither she believed that or because I was up a ladder as all I told her yesterday is that I fell, I also have a sore shoulder now and don't know whither it's from the fall or the tetanus jag I got, but don't want to mention it, better letting sleeping dogs lie
                              Enjoy your break Snoop, and I take it that it must be good weather, as you are in a good mood my OHs the same mood changes with the weather, I think all women are the same
                              Last edited by rary; 04-07-2019, 12:41 PM.
                              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                              • Oh my rary, you don't suppose your wife was sitting indoors with a wee voodoo doll and some sharp pins do you?

                                Seriously though sorry to hear you've been in the wars, hope your finger and shoulder heals soon.

                                Afternoon All, dull and windy here today, think this might be a couch day tbh.

                                Hope you day is going well.


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