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Chatback #17


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  • Afternoon all, hope you’ve had a good day!
    Rary hope you are feeling better after your fall. Reminds me of a couple of years ago when OH was cutting the leylandii in our garden. He was up a really long ladder and fell. He used to parachute in his younger days and his training came in handy as he went into a parachute roll and landed safely!! Me? I was ending myself laughing!!! Amazing that even after all those years his training came to the fore!!
    Enjoy your evening’s gone a bit dull here with a little shower, nothing to write home about though!


    • Just about finished my decking and steps around my shed at home. I was a bit disappointed I had to spend �15 on timber to finish it off as all the timber I had used until then was for nothing, originally scrounged to chop up for firewood for the logburner.
      I just need to paint it the same colour as the shed now (willow green). If it looks ok after painting I may add a piccie, if it looks carp, I won't.
      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

      Diversify & prosper


      • Evening we've been out and about enjoying the sunshine, not much gardening though today.
        Location....East Midlands.


        • Evening All Lemon cake, chocolate orange muffins and coffee and walnut muffins and I've used a piping bag for the first time ever! Need a rest now so off on the game
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • Good evening all.
            Bought a slimline water butt today.
            Spent a good hour wrestling with the connection trying to attach it to the down pipe on my greenhouse.
            Eventually after trying everything I could think of OH soaked it in boiling water to soften it.
            Job is now done.
            Two empty water butts now waiting for the rain.

            And when your back stops aching,
            And your hands begin to harden.
            You will find yourself a partner,
            In the glory of the garden.

            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


            • Morning all..
              And all n'all as Nicos might say..
              And guess what ?

              Its FRIDAAAAAAAY

              I am on hols on the Silver Coast in Portugal and am currently sitting on my deck looking out at the bay, drinking wine and listening to the sound of waves breaking on the beach..
              Doesn't get much better for me anyways

              So Happy Friday to all..
              I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

              ...utterly nutterly


              • Good Morning All and Happy Friday Sunny here again. Have a good trip Trip
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Morning its dentist then shopping this morning but the rest of the days mine

                  Originally posted by Tripmeup View Post
                  I am on hols on the Silver Coast in Portugal and am currently sitting on my deck looking out at the bay, drinking wine and listening to the sound of waves breaking on the beach..
                  Doesn't get much better for me anyways
                  sounds perfect Trip, enjoy your hols
                  Location....East Midlands.


                  • Morning everyone, isn’t this weather lovely?
                    Hubby took me to a garden centre for lunch yesterday, jeez, we must be getting old
                    This was the one that burnt down some time ago and has been re built fantastically
                    Thoroughly enjoyed looking round it, bought a new pot for the patio and a few other bits
                    Life is good at the minute, hope everyone on here is ok
                    Nannys make memories


                    • Morning all. Special good morning to Trip. Sounds like you're having a great time, Trip. Enjoy the hols.

                      Feeling a bit the worse for wear this morning. Out at a friend's last night. Didn't drink tooooo much but did not get to bed till 3.30 am. Too old for that malarkey. Never mind. I'm going to finish a job and then go back to bed for an hour or so.

                      Hope you all have a good day.


                      • Originally posted by Nannysally99 View Post
                        Morning everyone, isn�t this weather lovely?
                        Hubby took me to a garden centre for lunch yesterday, jeez, we must be getting old
                        Life is good at the minute, hope everyone on here is ok
                        Good morning, I am trying to work out what NS means by the reference of going to a garden centre for lunch so must be getting old, my wife and I go to GCs for lunch and we are not old though when you look around these places most customers are in the gray hair bregade, and must admit I sometime think it would be nice to have some gray hair. But I do hope your final statement continues and life stays good for you (and others) remember if you pass on a smile it can effect everyone
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • At my son's just now and one of the boys are up already, I prefer when they sleep in their bed till about noon then they could lie in till about three o'clock however my preferences go for nothing just biding my time till I go and collect my granddaughter and take her to her work, just thinking no-one ever run me to my work when I was young er though possibly not to bad having to go out as I hear the younger GS. moving, the worst thing about having to go out is I will be near the shore but can't collect any seaweed as I have to keep my hand clean and dry and must admit I find inactivity difficult as I always have something to do, well it beats houswork:as I was told yesterday that I just need one hand to work a hoover need to go now
                          it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                          Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                          • Happy Friday wherever you may be enjoying the sunshine.
                            I thought of rary yesterday...................
                            I was cutting back the lemon balm that had spread itself too vigorously over the path, to the extent that I couldn't see where the bed ended and the shingle path (at a lower level and edged with a plank) began.
                            For some reason I stepped back and lost my balance, falling backwards onto the shingle. In the process, I knocked against a bucket, full of stinky water and some cuttings which upended itself on me as I sprawled on the path!
                            The dogs, thinking this was some new game, started jumping on me as I tried to assess whether I'd broken anything. Everything seemed to move as intended, so I shook off the dogs, the bucket and cuttings and armfuls of lemon balm which, fortunately, masked the smell of the stinky water.
                            All my clothes were soaked and had to go straight in to wash. Apart from some mega bruises which are still coming out, I seem to have survived intact. Its wonderful to be young and resilient - not that you'd remember, rary.

                            Have a lovely day and have a great trip, Trip.


                            • Good morning all.
                              Another lovely sunny day.
                              Grocery shopping this morning and a trip to the library to stock up on weekend reading.
                              Trip, sounds ideal, have a great holiday.
                              VC you have a wicked sense of humour and a very descriptive way of telling a story.
                              Methinks there is a hidden writer waiting to come out.
                              Rary, hope your finger heals soon and you are back in action.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Morning All! 1st moan of the day.......I am fed up spending half my life looking for things! I have 2 very old savings account passbooks that have little in them and the accounts have been dormant for years. After getting a letter about them I figured I'd best make an effort to do something about them. Only I can't find them. Nor can I find the letter! I expect I will be going through the house all day today. Where's Marie Kondo when you need her?!

                                I hope you all have a good day where your memory works and life is straightforward.

                                Trip, sounds idyllic, make the most of it and have a great time.

                                Oh and VC, hats off to you for being kind enough to provide your furry friends with some live entertainment.Not everyone would. Hope you smell better now and your bruises fade fast. x
                                Last edited by gardening_gal; 05-07-2019, 10:28 AM.


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