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  • Mornin n'alln'all ( and espesh Trip!)
    I too didn't get in until 2am ( also designated driver) a late start for me too!!!!

    Boy, you lot have been very busy -you're starting to make me feel lazy!

    Ouch rary...not nice at all. Hope you are back to full health very soon. At least you can get out of the washing up
    And VC! You too must take care of your fragile bones...

    Snoop...good for you. It's important to remember that you too need a bit of free time. Maybe you need to think of your veg patch as a sourse of income must save you a lot of money over the year?I know ours does!

    Flo! have me drooling again. I absolutely adore lemon drizzle cake. In fact I might just make one today whilst I'm still off my diet! Having given away a dozen eggs I still have over 60 eggs to do something with. Bizzarly we bought 4 new layers as we were only getting 1or2 eggs a day and they have now come into lay. So we are now getting 7 eggs a day!...I think we're going to have to freeze some again.

    Well, I best crack on with domestics before it gets too hot!

    Enjoy your day peeps and I hope the sun shines on all of you over the weekend.
    See ya later!
    "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

    Location....Normandy France


    • Back on as I am restricted in what I am allowed to do, but as long as she doesn't see me she won't know what I am doing, had to change my dressing this morning and see trying to get the wound covered an imposability plaster won't stick onto the handcant wrap anything round it so bought a pair of cotton gloves to cover the wound �3.95 I almost needed the doctor with the shock and to crown it all I had to cut the tops of the fingers off for the glove to fit so unable to take them back once I am finished with them
      Snoop happy to see you had an enjoyable evening but both you and Nicos need to remember that you are past the first flush of youth (actually well past but I wouldn't say that, well not if one of you could get your hands on me) and VC that would have been something to see, very funny but could have been serious, remember you are not a scheesh (fit) as me, nor of course as young was down the house to water the greenhouse and went to the back of it to remove the ladder only to discover that I landed on a metal hoe which has been bent quite a bit, now I know what caused a long bruise down my back need to get rid of it before OH sees it. Right going to take 5he dog for a walk
      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


      • Hello all,i tied to say just that totherday,and it did not work,only said timed out 3 times,the gremlins must have woken up,Owch VC and Rary,i will not offer huggs as it will be painfull for you both,so send good wishes for a quick recovery,you were lucky NOT to have broken a rib VC,on the beds edgeing,Snoop you need to look after yourself,and trip smell the sea air for me,and remember the sun cream,girls are loving roaming about,they get in shade and start purring/trilling,and having their 40 winks,enjoy your day peeps.
        sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


        • Rary, you sound very accident prone - and forgetful too ................but at your age

          My tumble was funny, just glad nobody was around with a camera. It could have been worse, as I was nearly in the GH, via the side wall. The poor tomatoes would never recover from the shock.

          Lottie, I haven't let my new girls out yet, only the old one to give the others a bit of peace. They're gradually learning what to do - have found the treadle feeders but they're still kept open for them to eat - also started putting themselves to bed in the coop. The old girl tries to shoo them back out though, so I box her in with a piece of cardboard and the others can go in safely. As soon as they're all in, I whip out the cardboard and close the door. It would be easier with 3 hands!!
          One of the new girls has laid every day.
          Enjoy your day!


          • Afternoon!
            You lot really do make I laugh out loud - long may it continue
            Not much going on here, got an achy back for some reason, think it may be an allergic reaction to the ironing I did yesterday
            There's Honey & Sunflower bread rising to go with ham and plot salad for tea - dontcha love this time of year ..

            Have a good'un


            • Came across this and thought I would post it as a quide to life
              Son: I want to marry
              Dad: first say sorry
              Son: what for?
              Dad: say sorry
              Son: what for what have I done
              Dad: first say sorry
              Son: but why
              Dad: you first say sorry
              Son: please at least tell me why
              Dad: you first say sorry
              Son: OK Dad.... I am sorry
              Dad: now you are ready, when you learn
              to say sorry without any reason
              You can marry!
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • Evening all.

                Just seen a youngster win at Wimbledon. Not that I was watching the match. I'd fallen asleep in front of the telly and woken up to my better half making confusing comments about the BT box not playing the BBC Channels. Turns out I'd switched the signal booster off up in the loft earlier in the day when I was working up there. Oops .

                Went to an old friends funeral earlier in the day. He was old, 91 in fact and he had still been working his allotment until just a few weeks ago. He was a fairly regular guest on Beechgrove Garden as well. They don't make them like him any more .


                • Rary, you should know by now that men are always wrong and women are always right. Its a fact of life.
                  This'll make you laugh!! Spud was playing with something on the floor - it was my reading glasses. They looked intact so I put them on but one of the arms is chewed to pieces, just where it goes behind my ear! I've wrapped micropore tape round it and hope that nobody sees me.
                  Hope you've all had a good day.


                  • Sorry to read your post AP I watched your friend several times on Beechgrove several times a very knowledgeable gentleman and happy to pass on his knowledge.
                    I used micropore tape today also VC but of course I used it as it in a more normal way its to hold on the glove I am using as a bandage but I must say that I have seen several old folk use it for repairing glasses I think its a kind of badge for old folk like your self oh and was there not a reference just the other day with you and Thelma about me losing my glasses see its a long road without a turn
                    it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                    Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                    • Mornin n'alln'all
                      Cor blimey...we had a tad of rain last night. Not long but it really freshened the air. What a lovely smell!

                      Mrs Mop day for me, then collecting in more berries from the garden.
                      Sorry to hear about your friend AP x

                      Yesterday turned out to be a bit of a baking day. I made my OH's granny's gingerbread for the first time. We came across her recipe whilst sorting through old documents to burn. It was yummy!
                      Also a lemon pudding cake
                      And a lovely Victoria slab cake and added raspberries and white chocolate. Mmmmm! Highly recommended!
                      It's nice having a break from dieting (most of it will go in the freezer or given to friends!)
                      At least I've used up some of the eggs!
                      Right, best crack on
                      Enjoy your weekend peeps...
                      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                      Location....Normandy France


                      • OH lost his glasses a few days ago. We searched high and low, even carefully checking in the grass in the field where he'd walked.
                        Then whilst eating supper last night he felt something digging in his thigh....yup- his glasses had been in his short's pocket the whole time!
                        And yes, he was honourable enough to give me a sheepish look

                        Good job I'd not bunged them in the washing machine!
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Good Morning All Gentle rain here. Have a good day
                          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                          • Morning all. No glasses anecdotes... actually, that's not true. Mr Snoop once had a pair of glasses that snapped at the bridge. He joined them back together with a huge staple, some kind of industrial staple I think. It looked extremely odd, but everyone got used to seeing him wearing them and after a while you just ignored it. Doubtless Rary would find a moral to this: you can get used to anything if you put up with it for long enough? Certainly it saved Mr Snoop the outrageous price of a new pair of glasses, which Rary would doubtless approve of.

                            Now, I keep mentioning your name, Rary, because if I've understood your posts rightly, I think you've not been entirely straight with your wife about your accident. And I'm not sure I approve of that. No emojis for stern faces on here, but... no more accidents please. That could have ended badly. That includes you, VC.

                            So, on today's show we have: work this morning, fancy lunch out, bit of shopping, afternoon nap (I hope) and a bit of gardening, backache permitting. I feel like I'm on holiday already.

                            Have a good one, everyone.


                            • Good morning all.
                              I have this accident thing isn't contagious.
                              At least nobody was badly injured.
                              A little drizzly rain this morning but nothing that will fill the water butts.
                              Off to play a pitch and putt competition.
                              Have a good day all and stay away from accidents.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • afternoon all,a gentle drop of rain,smells good,the girls took themselves back home,much better sence than some humans eh,the sussex comes to the patio door when i go in,she comes to find me and has a chat,another 1 comes running up to me if i go outside with something in my hand,even at rustling paper,so funny,MR is well entertained,WHEN he not asleep,i could do with a bit oh rope on me mojo,so i can yank it back,or a tracker on it,stay safe and bgood2yrselves.
                                sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


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