Good evening didn't get any work done in the garden today as it had been raining since 8�30 and very heavy at the moment I still need to get the soil back into the new raised bed and as I want to empty a bin of compostable material into it and my wheel barrows are sitting full of soil I will need to use a couple of buckets to move it so will need a dry day for that as I want a good covering of soil on top of it as there is some kitchen waste among it, perhaps I will order OH to give a hand
Which reminds me of the time I got married
2 friends had been married just a few months and weeks before me, the first one said they he had told his new wife they he wanted hot water for washing himself when home from work and then the dinner on the table, and it took 3 days to see a difference, my second friend said he wanted the house clean slippers at the fire and dinner on the table and again it was 3 days before he saw a difference, so when I got married I told my new wife that when I came home from work I wanted to see a clean house, my chair by a good fire a cup of tea ready for me to lift and the dinner on the table, and sure enough it was three days before I saw a difference, the swelling of my eyes was going down and I was able see out them a bit and I getting the use of my hand again so I could hold a cup

Which reminds me of the time I got married
2 friends had been married just a few months and weeks before me, the first one said they he had told his new wife they he wanted hot water for washing himself when home from work and then the dinner on the table, and it took 3 days to see a difference, my second friend said he wanted the house clean slippers at the fire and dinner on the table and again it was 3 days before he saw a difference, so when I got married I told my new wife that when I came home from work I wanted to see a clean house, my chair by a good fire a cup of tea ready for me to lift and the dinner on the table, and sure enough it was three days before I saw a difference, the swelling of my eyes was going down and I was able see out them a bit and I getting the use of my hand again so I could hold a cup
