Hope your wife continues to improve Snadger xx
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Good evening all.
No gardening today as it rained all afternoon.
Have started drying my seeds for the tomato seed circle.
I have enough Demidov and about half the Black Mauri.
Should get enough ripe in the next few days.
All domestics done including the ironing ax It was an indoor day.
Have a good evening all
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Got up relatively early today. Was going to get some cooking done but for assorted reasons couldn't. So I finished off my cal�ot beds instead and am very pleased with the result. Half asleep now, mind.
It was a very cold night last night. One of the courgette plants took a hit, by the look of it. Due to get colder still in a few days. Fingers crossed for the tomato and pepper plants.
On with the paid work now. Have a good one, everyone.
Still thinking of you, Snadger. Hope it's all going OK.
Good morning all.
Dry but cloudy here.
Having g my grandson for a few hours so hoping to go walking.
Have a good day all.
And when your back stops aching,
And your hands begin to harden.
You will find yourself a partner,
In the glory of the garden.
Rudyard Kipling.sigpic
Morning grapes,dry and sunny here just nice,
Snadger,thinking of you and your lady,all the best,
Have a good day all,still on the emulsion,remember,Bgood2yrselves,look in laters.sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these
Forecast was cloudy but we've actually had some lovely sunshine so far. rain due in late this evening and overnight then another nice day tomorrow. Heavy crop of blackberries in the hedgerows and the recent rain has already made them swell and colour. Looks like being a good year. Now I need to check some local crab apple trees to see how the fruit is coming on so I can plan jelly making this month.
Had to be at Health Centre for routine blood test at 8.30am then stayed on for Doctor's appointment at 9am. Swollen knee after a couple of falls in Feb and August, no real damage done, functional mobility still good, just need to keep it moving, ice it at least once a day and do exercises. Not in any pain but it gets a bit uncomfortable if I do a longer walk. Lots to be thankful for and eternally grateful for the NHS
Local 'visiting' black cat has had 'cheese' for his brunch and is now sprawled on the cool tiles in our entrance hallway, right in the middle and inconveniencing anyone who wants to pass
Good afternoon, an other dreich day if it's not raining there's a constant smurr so no outdoor work today though I am thinking of going into the field with a weed wond and clearing a bit of ground with it while the grass is so wet, I hope your wife recovers well Snadger, praying for you. Armorel you should use a walking stick for a time as it helps take a bit of weight off the joints, and Nicos you could try that as well when you stand on the scales though possibly not enough with the socialising you have been doingit may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.
Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers
Just gave the Beech hedge it's annual hair cut, probably due for mine at some time too, though I'll probably wait till spring time now lol. Got a tick bite on my ankle yesterday, probably whilst scrumping blackberries, that'll teach me to put the right gear on.
Evening all, day off today and spent it indoors catching up with stuff, and supplying hubby with tea.
Hubby has taken the bean frame down and repainted the fence behind it.
The plants were covered in black fly, but luckily the last beans were picked
Chrysanthemums in buckets are more or less finished, ones in the borders are still going strong.
All other flowers are still looking lovely still.
Hope Mrs Snadger is still on the mendNannys make memories
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