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  • Good Morning All Lots to do so better get on with it. It's looking like rain here. Have a good day
    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


    • Got the work out the way yesterday, had a nice afternoon nap and a decent night's sleep, so I'm raring to go today. And it's bright but a little bit breezy, so not too hot outside. (Perishing cold last night - the tomato plants are looking a bit sorry for themselves today - and it's due to get colder this weekend.)

      So, cal�ots will go in today. And I'll get a bed ready for spinach and the like, which I'll sow tomorrow.

      Mr Snoop is off out today at an event called "greasy motorbikes". Unlikely as it may sound, he spent some time choosing the outfit he was going to wear. Me, I'm in pink fluffy slippers, stripey pale blue socks, a dark blue t-shirt dress and a blue cotton jumper with an odd kind of tear down the back that occurred at the launderette. Perfect gardening wear! I haven't quite got to the stage of the green dress with purple cardigan with the buttons done up wrongly, but I'm working my way towards it.

      Right, on that note, time to get going. Have a good one, everyone.


      • Good morning all.
        Sunny morning and quite nice.
        Not doing pitch and putt today as I have too much to do at home.
        Never wear slippers but wear light slip on Sketchers indoors.
        Have a good day all.

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Afternoon all!
          Sunshine and showers here today, but not that warm unless you're in the greenhouse. C/heating turning on every evening now....
          I've been passata bottling today, now on here and listening to the lids 'popping' - a lovely sound. 8 Jars so far....
          Must put the dishwasher on and then put the hoover round.
          I'll find a film worth watching this evening and do some ironing while I watch, which works for me haha.
          Then I think I'm nearly up-to-date - just the bedroom decorating to finish

          Enjoy the rest of your day


          • evening all,had a good snooze yesterday,weather much better today,driving licence has arrived,thankgoodness for that for the next 3years cateracts depending,not head anything of our Lumpy for a while,or cadalot,hope they are ok,all the best to them,this painting turned into a joke,peeps that came said ah blue,no said i grey,so have got some more paint that IS grey,and starting again,it does look realy elegant this time,not cold,all i need is a big load of enthusiasum,have a good evening and Bgood2yrselves.
            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


            • Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
              Got the work out the way yesterday, had a nice afternoon nap and a decent night's sleep, so I'm raring to go today. And it's bright but a little bit breezy, so not too hot outside. (Perishing cold last night - the tomato plants are looking a bit sorry for themselves today - and it's due to get colder this weekend.)

              So, cal�ots will go in today. And I'll get a bed ready for spinach and the like, which I'll sow tomorrow.

              Mr Snoop is off out today at an event called "greasy motorbikes". Unlikely as it may sound, he spent some time choosing the outfit he was going to wear. Me, I'm in pink fluffy slippers, stripey pale blue socks, a dark blue t-shirt dress and a blue cotton jumper with an odd kind of tear down the back that occurred at the launderette. Perfect gardening wear! I haven't quite got to the stage of the green dress with purple cardigan with the buttons done up wrongly, but I'm working my way towards it.

              Right, on that note, time to get going. Have a good one, everyone.
              Had to look up calcots Snoop as I had never heard of them, they look very interesting, do you buy young plants or do you grow from seed and if growing in Scotland what would d be the best season for growing them?
              That second last paragraph you wrote paints a picture I have of a Grape that is on the Vine regularly, but I am too much of a gentleman to name them,, sorry her,,,, sorry, them oops the person
              it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

              Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


              • Good evening, it has been a lovely sunny day today, started off early as we were staying at our sons last night, to watch the boys, so was up early and out with the dog before the boys got up, I dropped into my house and picked up some tomatoes for my son and daughter and once my son came back home I took OH to a GC for lunch and having a look round I decided to buy some heucheras as I have been thinking of buying one for a wee while so I bought 4, we then went to an other GC where I noted an other selection of the plants so I asked OH what she thought of them and she liked them so I seccumbd to getting them though, I told OH that as she liked them I would get them for her, so guess who earned some brownie points todayClick image for larger version

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Name:	IMG_20190907_195028.jpg
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ID:	2385253 and now that I have them I note they go very well with the red lettuce
                it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                • Originally posted by rary View Post
                  Had to look up calcots Snoop as I had never heard of them, they look very interesting, do you buy young plants or do you grow from seed and if growing in Scotland what would d be the best season for growing them?
                  That second last paragraph you wrote paints a picture I have of a Grape that is on the Vine regularly, but I am too much of a gentleman to name them,, sorry her,,,, sorry, them oops the person
                  Can't see why they wouldn't grow well in Scotland. If you can grow onions and leeks, you can grow cal�ots. They are a bit of a faff, though, if you grow them from seed. Essentially, you grow a cal�ot onion during the summer. Then you lift it in August or thereabouts. And then you replant it a few weeks later. New shoots then emerge from it. If you've ever left an onion in the ground by mistake and come back to it a few months later, you'll have seen the same thing. It is these shoots that are called cal�ots and which you eat, usually February or March time depending on when you planted the bulb and on the weather conditions. Cal�ots are very sweet and get quite thick, so I don't think you can use any onion to grow cal�ots from.

                  Having described the full process, I have to admit that I cheat and just buy the onion bulbs, which I then plant out at this time of year.

                  As for the person portrayed, seeing as it's me I take no offence. I freely admit my lack of fashion nous.

                  Very bright here today, but it was very cold last night. Am waiting for things to warm up a bit before I go and water everything. It was cold enough to see my breath in the air when I stepped outside about 11 pm last night. Doubtless, some things will have wilted away. The courgettes have been looking miserable these last few days, so I don't hold out much hope for them.

                  Catch you later, guys. Have a great Sunday.


                  • Good Morning All Bright and sunny here but still a bit cooler. Have a lovely Sunday
                    Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                    • Good morning all,sunshine here,Snoop i never heard of them either,have a good day,know i will,painting ,feel much better,had a good sleep,and new shade of color looks great in daylight also,rember to,Bgood2yrselves.
                      sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                      • Mornin birthday gal
                        Hope you are going to do something espesh spesh today?
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • Maybe you could paint from right to left or bottom to top for a change?
                          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                          Location....Normandy France


                          • No Nicos,corner to corner,hehehe,just another day here,i feel desparate to get the job done,it's draging on to long,then i gotta clear up my mess,i cannot blame anyone one else,all my own doing hehehehe.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • Good morning all.
                              It's a nice sunny morning at 14 degs.
                              The usual Sunday.
                              Off road church and then a visit to some family members.
                              Have a good day all.

                              And when your back stops aching,
                              And your hands begin to harden.
                              You will find yourself a partner,
                              In the glory of the garden.

                              Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                              • Late morning everyone, it’s a lovely sunny day here.
                                Heating still coming on in the mornings though.
                                Just washing and house chores for me today. Hubby is pottering in the garden
                                Have a lovely day folks
                                Nannys make memories


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