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  • Evening everyone, not been on for a while as lots going on! Hope you are all well.
    Well the ‘good’ news is the cancer hasn’t spread, my team met today and should have a treatment plan in place for Friday! It’s been a rollercoaster ride so far, dread to think what’s next. It’s going to be a long hard road but hopefully will get the directions on Friday!!
    Off for a catch up...if I’ve missed any special days for anyone I’m sending you my best wishes. x


    • Good news indeed Jay .


      • Evening all. I haven't been on for a few days either. In fact I was in Poland for a wedding. Wowsers, that was an eye opener and a half. After the ceremony, the reception/eatfest went on way beyond my bedtime and it was simply wave after wave of alcohol (loads of Polish Vodka) and food. Me o my I coped but just. The celebrations continued for a second day, yes more food and more alcohol. I hardly touched the hard stuff in the second round though. I knew I was driving from Glasgow to home the following day and our drink drive limis mean a sniff of a cork and one's licence is in jeopardy.

        Feet up now and recovering


        • You're in my prayers Jay.

          Good evening all.
          What a miserable day. The rain and wind never let up lord the whole day.
          Decided to make a batch of soup for the freezer.
          Then made up a batch of dinners.
          Feel like I achieved something from the awful day being stuck indoors.
          Have a good evening all.

          And when your back stops aching,
          And your hands begin to harden.
          You will find yourself a partner,
          In the glory of the garden.

          Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


          • That means a lot Bramble!!


            • Good Morning All I'm my thoughts Jay Have a good day All
              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


              • Anyone heard from Janie, or have I just missed her? It's chilly here btw
                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                • Good morning, like you Flo I have seen Janie on for quite a time, just hope she is keeping well, a hard frost this morning and need to scrape the windscreen, wonder if I dare ask OH to go out and do it, no I would walk up to my daughter's first rather than risk her wrath, anyway if I asked her to do that I would very likely get a list of things she had asked me to do life is like walking a tightrope at times
                  I do hope all of you are well (and sober, its not only the drink drive laws we need to watch some of you are getting older) will be thinking of you Jay hope the treatment goes well God bless,
                  it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                  Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                  • Good morning, cold but sunny here. OH is taking me out this morning for breakfast for my birthday today. Not sure what he has planned for the rest of the day but we will see.

                    Have a good day


                    • Morning, it’s a cold and frosty morning, sun is up!!!
                      Thank you for all your lovely thoughts, they really do mean a lot...need as many peeps as possible in Team Jay!!
                      Hope you all have a great day. Happy Birthday Carrie, enjoy your day x


                      • Wishing all the strength in the world Jay


                        • Mornings!
                          Feels blimming cold this morning, the door window is absolutely dripping (the only one not D Glazed)
                          Woke up ready to go and have already cleared clothes from the wardrobe ready to take to the charity shop, more space now.
                          Healing vibes on the way to Jay.....

                          Have a good'un:


                          • Good morning all.l
                            A cold but sunny morning here as well.
                            Off to visit the eye specialist this morning.
                            Looking after my grandson this afternoon.
                            Stay safe and have a good day all.

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • Afternoon (here), everyone.

                              Hope you have a lovely day, Cariann. Sounds like you had fun, AP.

                              Late arrival here today as I went into town for the market. Bit chilly and windy, so lots of stallholders stayed away. Sensibly because the customers stayed home too. But great for me as no queuing. And no queue at the butcher's as well, which is nigh-on a miracle.

                              Bit of work to do and then might have an afternoon nap.

                              Have a great day, everyone. Count me in as a member of Team Jay, Jay. Thinking of you.


                              • Afternoon n'all!
                                Yup I'm home!!!!!
                                Lovely to get away and see/help everyone, but lovely to be back home again.
                                Almost finished unpacking.
                                Think I've caught my daughter's cold...the itchy throat and snuffles has started

                                Not had much of a chance to catch up...but that's good news Burnie...and Jay....can I be in your team too...I'm really good at sending unlimited good vibes 24/7
                                Best get on with the rest of the unpacking, and � have an IKEA bluebag full of damsons we picked a few days ago to sort out before they start to go off.

                                See ya later peeps.
                                Last edited by Nicos; 02-10-2019, 12:55 PM.
                                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                                Location....Normandy France


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