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Chatback #17


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  • Morning All

    Chilling this morning, down to -2�

    Not much happening today as I am awaiting the arrival of our new TV

    Have a fun Friday


    • Good morning all.
      We are lucky to still have the sun.
      Hope all who are in the flood areas stay safe.
      Have a good day all.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
        Morning All

        Chilling this morning, down to -2�

        Not much happening today as I am awaiting the arrival of our new TV

        Have a fun Friday
        Happy Friday.

        GL, are you pacing up and down with a cigar and bottle of bubbly to celebreate the delivery?

        Cold wind here, but sun's out and its 40C in the GH. Guess where I'll be once I've pegged the washing out.

        Stay safe everyone, especially those in the flooded areas.


        • Originally posted by Aberdeenplotter View Post
          pssst adblocker sorts it . Don't say I told you.
          Not any more, it doesn't. I've just opened it five times trying to block it. They've got something sneaky going on there, for sure. And now my keyboard is playing up, gah, gah and triple gah. Switch off, start again. Feeling very terminatorish: I'll be back.


          • "Adblock plus" blocks it for me.
            I unblocked it to see the popup ad and tried to Close it with the X but couldn't and saw the ad instead, as you all have said.
            Admin know how to fix this and I'm sure the Mods will be harassing them to do so.

            .................but its Friday, and we'll be lucky if anything happens before next week.


            • Try again:

              Afternoon, all. Yes, all working correctly. I'll blame that advert.

              Bright and very blowy. Hope you're all coping with all that rain. Saw the pictures of Sheffield online. Looks grim.

              Not much news. Went into town this morning and visited the butcher's. Bought an amazing leg of lamb. Even the butcher was pleased as she sliced it (for a tagine). Her husband is the shepherd, so she takes more than the average professional pride in her produce.

              Now to settle down to some work. Off out this early evening. It feels very English: we've been invited for 5.00 pm. Definitely not a Spanish party hour! I'll be intrigued. Wouldn't be sorry if it was afternoon tea with scones and the like. Better not get my hopes up.

              Have a great rest of Friday.

              Edited to say: Thanks, VC. I thought I had Adblock Plus but maybe not. Time to get on the case.
              Last edited by Snoop Puss; 08-11-2019, 12:16 PM.


              • Afternoon!
                Just had my flu jab...ouch!
                Should have had it weeks ago but somehow their clinic times clashed with stuff I had to do (or I forgot!)
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • Afternoon tea Snoop?...hope so!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • ^If it isn't, I'll make sure we get one this weekend. Might not make the scones, but I've got jam tart on my mind (I made one to an Italian recipe years ago - fantastic pastry) and could come up with another type of cake as well. And/or scones. Who needs cucumber sandwiches?


                    • Originally posted by Nicos View Post
                      Just had my flu jab...ouch!
                      Should have had it weeks ago but somehow their clinic times clashed with stuff I had to do (or I forgot!)
                      Here, the elderly got their flu jab three weeks ago Nicos, I will get mine on Monday
                      it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                      Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                      • Good evening, starting to get dark now, and a nice bright gibbous moon showing, it has been a nice sunny dry day today but cold OH wanted to do some shopping to buy birthday and Christmas presents, when I said to her my birthday wasn't till next year I was told that I would get the same then as I would get today, nothing, I don't like Breahead shopping centre there are no shops that interest me, but we did go to a nearby GC where I paid for our lunch, she gave me the money and then went for a seat well enjoy your weekend I hope the weather gets better for some of you, and sincerely hope no one has had any serious damage with the heavy rain
                        it may be a struggle to reach the top, but once your over the hill your problems start.

                        Member of the Nutters Club but I think I am just there to make up the numbers


                        • Mornings, said quietly as everyone seems to be having a lie-in.. Kettle's on. plus toast and marmalade, or HM seedless raspberry jam anyone?

                          Cold wet and foggy here, so deffo an indoors day. My get up and go seems to have come back again - so must make a start on the to-do list, starting with ironing, there's a chair piled high with it!

                          Have a good weekend


                          • Morning all. Bright and blue this morning, but night nowhere near as cold as forecast. 4.9 �C. Was expecting to be well into the minuses. Still feels quite chilly indoors though.

                            Interesting night out. Fantastic meal (not afternoon tea) and great company. I didn't drink as I was driving. Should do that more often. Had I been drinking, I would have fallen asleep during a presentation that nobody in the audience was expecting.

                            Today, a bit of paid work beckons plus some gardening, plus making a cake. The builders are supposed to be coming to put up a small crane to help them with the next stage of the work.

                            So, better get on with it all. Good luck with the ironing, TS. Have a good day everyone.


                            • Mornin n'alln'all
                              Sounds like a lovely evening then Snoop!
                              Funny thing is that I've been thinking about scones ever since your previous post

                              Toast and marmalade sounds yummy...yes please Thelma!
                              (Enjoy your ironing...)

                              Woke up to sunshine and our first frost this morning. Looks so pretty!
                              I must remember to start putting out more bird food from now on.

                              Not sure what today will bring. I've promised to make lemon curd and pickle quail eggs at some point over the next 5 days....but sewing is calling.....
                              Play it by ear eh?
                              See ya later peeps. Keep warm!
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • Good Morning All Frosty here. Have a good day
                                Granny on the Game in Sheffield


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